Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Woman Who Fears the Lord, She Shall Be Praised

I live up in Manitoba, Canada where spring is deceptive at times. We can have beach weather one day, and as soon as everybody exchanges their warm clothes for flip flops and tank tops, we discover that we're expecting two inches of snow.

I'm cautious when it comes to planting my garden, because I've learned over the years not to trust the warm weather. But I wasn't always this smart--we've had several years where I planted early in the spring and spent countless nights covering my plants with bed sheets and table cloths due to frost warning.

My yard looked silly at times with several bed sheets draped over the plants, and of course I looked ridiculous because I was the only woman on the block that was too anxious to follow the one rule of thumb, "Wait until May Long Weekend to plant."

When it comes to plants, I love the beauty of annuals. The colors and the variety of flowers take my breath away. Once the garden is full, I can hardly resist buying yet a few more, but I've come to discover one thing--their beauty fades quickly. I put the flowers in on May long weekend and they start fading by August.

Each spring I'd invest in more flowers, until one day I discovered perennials. The beauty of perennials is that their strength lies beneath the face of the earth. It doesn't matter how severe our winters are or how many feet of snow cover the garden, they return each and every year stronger and healthier than they did the year before.

Perennials can withstand frost in the early spring because their root remains untouched. Long-lasting beauty and strength add to their value, much like the heart of a woman who is grounded in Christ.

A woman who's heart takes root in the Lord possesses a beauty that lasts longer than her youth ever will. She is a strong force in the face of tribulation and trials because she knows that her heart is safe in the hands of the Lord. The beauty within her, draws the heart of her husband close to her own.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30, NIV
"More of you, Lord, less of me." Those are the transforming words of a beautiful woman. Words that hold the power to unlocking a treasure that lies beneath the skin of this fading world.

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You are loved by an almighty God,


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I'm over at Roo Mag today where I share a post about enjoying treats in moderation.

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