Sunday, November 23, 2008

Infidelity 101 - They Think Their Secret Is Safe From You, Think Again

Many times a cheating partner is so caught up in their new found romance, they do not even realize they are giving off vibes and clues to their secret life. Those little indicators that you could not decipher at first could be signs of a cheating partner. If you have felt something or noticed that your relationship with your significant other has changed as of late, read on to learn what you can look for that uncovers your partners so-called secret life.

Like with any new found passion, whether it be a hobby, a good book, or, in this case, a hot flame on the side, humans tend to give it their all. You have heard people say, "The book was so good, I could not put it down", and it becomes their sole focus at that moment in time. The same passion holds true for a cheating partner. They are caught up in the new romance to the point they are not focused on the in and outs of daily life. Examples include daydreaming, forgetfulness and a general lack of focus and attention to detail. If you are having to repeat yourself in conversations with your significant other because they are "not all there", then something else is likely on their mind. The more passionate they are about this new flame, the less they contribute to the relationship they have with you. Asking questions about their lack of focus with either get you information on a personal issue they are dealing with, or maybe no answer at all, an indicator they are hiding something from you.

Sometimes the influence the new flame has over your partner flows into their thoughts and feelings. We are highly impressionable during a new relationship because we want the other person to like everything about us. If you see your partner changing their views and opinions, it might be due to the influence of this new relationship. What was once not a big deal, such as appearance issues for example, might suddenly become a big deal. Unconsciously, even unknowingly, your partner begins to mold to the attitudes and views of this other person. When things they say seem to "come out of left field", it is time to question why and get to the bottom of it. Not only with their views change, but you could also start to see changes to clothing styles (seemingly out of the blue) and other personal re-vamps.

Everyone at some point in their lives has probably experienced the feeling of "butterflies in their stomach". During a new romance, people have a loss of appetite, and get that giddy child-like feeling. If your partner's eating patterns change, usually eating less, then again you have to question why. Their thoughts are flooded with images of their new-found love and you unfortunately are put on the back burner. This includes a lack of sexual desire on their part - either because they are getting it somewhere else, or you just are no longer attractive to them. More and more you will see them less and less in your life as they pull away from you and move toward the new flame. If you once had a close relationship with your partner that now seems just a distant memory and you cannot figure out the reasoning behind it all, it is time to examine your relationship in detail.

As much as one believes they hold a secret from someone else, no one ever has a perfect poker face. There are certain nuances that each cheating partner reveals without knowing it. If you suspect something is up with your significant other, then it is time to look for the details that give up their secret. My website,, will give you more information on what to look for in a cheating partner as well as what you can do to uncover their nasty secrets before it is too late. You have a right to know about your cheating partner's antics, so you can decide what is the next best step for you.


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