Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Guest Blogger ~ "Building Togetherness"

Jordan and I have an exceedingly strong marriage. We are nearly always in tune and rarely, if ever, bicker. While I’d like to say that we simply have excellent chemistry, that isn’t necessarily the case. All marriages take work.

But we have discovered a principle that allows us to shift our perspective from merely cultivating our emotional connection toward something else entirely: we build things together.

We build,
which is to say that
we seek to undertake tasks
with the express purpose
of achieving a tangible result.

We work together. We set goals and reach for them. Large or small, they engage our individual faculties, outside of daily tasks, in ways that compliment each other. We move our relationship from the space of raising a family together to the most basic level of team building.

Because we’re a team.

And the best teams continually work toward strengthening not only their friendship and mutual affection, but also their working relationship.

How do you and your husband work on building your “team?”

Introducing our guest blogger today,
Jessica Heights...

Jessica is a passionately Christian, blissfully wed, full-time homemaker and mother of four. She is the author and founder of Muthering Heights and Other Senseless Sensibility, in which she grows alongside and encourages women as they blossom as mothers, wives, seekers of truth and conduits of grace.

She is also a co-host of Relevant and a contributing writer to Raising Homemakers, and Christmas Change.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

What it Means to "Cover" Our Marriage

Wherefore let him that thinketh he
standeth take heed lest he fall.
~ 1 Corinthians 10:12

I recently picked up a copy of Marriage Undercover by Bob and Audrey Meisner. Their story guides couples to find hope and rescue through the biblical principle of “covering” to protect their marriage.

Covering is a new concept to me. Certainly I’ve read about it in the Bible, but it wasn’t until I got a few chapters in that the light went on. I began to see the connection in shielding my marriage from pain and shame and the principles laid out in scripture. My mind went off on a trail of its own...

I got to thinking about Noah, and the events that were recorded in Genesis chapter nine. We learn from the story that after planting a vineyard, Noah was found drunk and naked in his tent. His son Ham witnessed his father’s indiscretion, but rather than concealing the incident he went to tell his two brothers about it.

On one hand, it sounds like an awful thing for someone to do, but on the other hand I realize that I’m guilty in much the same way. There have been times when my husband has done things that have really gotten under my skin; times when his imperfection and human weakness is revealed, and I’m left with two choices: one is to respond as God would have me respond, and the other choice is to grab my cell phone, head outside for a walk, call a good friend, and vent.

Whether we’re mocking another for their human failure or venting in anger, we’re exposing their wounds to the world rather than seeking a way to bring healing to them.

And Shem and Japheth took a garment,
and laid it upon both their shoulders,
and went backward, and covered the
nakedness of their father; and their faces
were backward, and they saw not
their father's nakedness.
~ Genesis 9:23

In Marriage Undercover, Bob and Audrey Meisner share their painful experience with adultery, offering wisdom to those whose marriages are under attack. Bob writes, “Concealing the matter concerning me and Audrey was not to cover it up, but to cover it so that healing could take place.” (page 22) I had to underline that one!

They go on to compare this covering to that of a bandage that protects and shields a wound during the time of healing.

Going back to the story of Noah, we can see by the loving kindness of Shem and Japheth that they weren’t simply hiding their father’s failure from the world. Entering the tent backwards was an act of respect on their part and evidence that they loved him.

That’s where the difference lies. Seeking the counsel of a friend from a place of compassion with a desire to heal is different than sitting around the table gossiping about our husband’s faults with other wives, or slandering our husbands because of the pain we’ve endured.

This principle of covering the ones that we love is important when facing big trials in our marriage, but it’s also important to practice the same level of compassion when it comes to the trivial things that get under our skin.

Why? Because fault-finders are every bit as human as those they condemn and every bit as guilty of sin. Just because you’re walking high today, that doesn’t mean you won’t fall tomorrow. And if you do fall into a pit of sin, you’ll be looking for redemption and grace to pull you back out.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing:
but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
~ Proverbs 25:2

If you'd like to read Marriage Undercover, you can find it online at Amazon: Click here.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Busy and Blessed

Click to watch Candace on Breakfast Television

I've been busy this week, but I've also been incredibly blessed. I never dreamed in a bazillion years that God's grace would plant me where I am today. I'm a wife, a mother, a writer, and a servant here at Time-Warp Wife.

Here's a recap of the last few days:

Candace Cameron Bure and her husband Val came to Winnipeg for a Compassion Canada event, and while they were here, Candace and I were able to promote our book, "Reshaping it All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness."

It started with a book signing at Chapters in St. Vital mall. The event was planned for 7 pm, but people had already started lining up at 5:15! By the time I got there, shortly after six, the line up was phenominal. Over 400 people stood in line to meet Candace and have their book signed. The store quickly sold out.

View photos and video clips of the event here: Manitoba Christian Online

It was such a blessing to see people lined up for a Christian book, and to be a part of the excitement. Go God!!

Due to the success of the book signing, our story was featured on the news the next day.

Click to view the news clip

After the book signing, Candace and I met up with Val at a restaurant downtown where he was promoting Bure Wine. I had the most incredible piece of prime rib, and was able to visit with Val for a bit too.

Valeri Bure, Candace Cameron Bure, and I

The next morning, I met Candace and Val at Trinity Television where she was to be interviewed by Audrey Meisner. We were ushered into the green room before taping, and both Candace and I had a banana. This is the second green room I've been to now, and both of them had beautiful fruit platters for their guests. (I could get used to this!)

Once she was prepped for the interview, we walked into the studio. There were about 10 young teenagers there that were staff members kids and their friends. They were sooooo excited! My guess is that they got the day off of school to see "DJ Tanner."

Candace adjusting her microphone

The set was beautifully decorated, much like a livingroom with a fireplace in the background. There were three or four cameras set up. I sat off to the side with Val and didn't dare cough or sneeze until the interview was over. Audrey was so on fire for Jesus, it was a blessing to watch the two of them chat! (The show will air at a later date.)

Audrey Meisner, Candace Cameron Bure, and I

Not used to all of this excitement, I went home for a nap. I slept for about two hours in the afternoon before the kids got back from school, then it was time to get ready for the celebrity dinner with Compassion Canada.

We had an amazing night with Val Bure as our key note speaker. There were so many laughs, and the crowd raised about 27,000 for Compassion Canada. That was awesome!

Now I'm home, unwinding and just about ready to go to bed. It's been blessed few days, which I can't thank God enough for!

Find "Reshaping it All" on Amazon: Click Here.

You are loved by an almighty God,


For comments or questions, contact me at:

Find Time-Warp Wife on facebook: Click here

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anger Management, How To Use in Stressful Situations

In a difficult incident pops up, when an individual is dealing with anger issues, usually their emotions evolve when put in stressful situations. It’s often their only way to cope with it is to put up their defensive side. Become angry is probably easier than dealing with the circumstances. This is unfortunate since anger doesn't solve anything. Once it subsides, the problem is still there.

How you should manage anger which can be used when found in stressful situations? If there is a friend or family member who is easy to talk to and understanding, it might be good to talk to them. When an individual becomes angry they are incapable of seeing the other side of the problem. Talking to someone may help them by sharing their side of the story. The friend or family member may be able to help them sort through their issues and make them look at the situation from the other side. This anger management tip may work well for some people.

Other great anger management tips is to write down thoughts and feelings during a fit of anger. The angry individual may feel as if nobody understands or cares about their problems. Sharing may only cause extra conflict. Lashing out will get them nowhere. Writing or journaling may help people with anger issues. Without anyone to talk back or object to what they have to say, it may be help to get their feelings off their chest. Using writing as an anger management tip may also help in the future when trying to find the triggers which cause the angry outbursts. Being able to look back over the information written may provide the person with reasons for their anger through reading about similar incidents.

You can take a vacation, spending some alone time is another good anger management tip. Removing oneself from the environment which seems to frustrate and irritate them may be a wise idea. Being able to get away and reflect on their actions may help an individual to look at things differently. Given space and time may be positive for a person with anger issues.

Some people suggest prayer and meditation as anger management tips. Both of these suggestions involve very personal practices for an individual. Given a chance to pray and be alone with one's thoughts is a good way to release tension and let the pressures of life wash away. Letting go of feelings of anger and negative thoughts would definitely make a positive change in a person's life. Through prayer and meditation a person is able to dig deep into their minds and souls for answers to their problems and comfort for their broken spirits.

You can find other anger management tips which can be practiced when the going gets tough, such as breathe deeply, exercise, get more rest, get out in nature, find humor in the situation and play or listen to music. These are all recommended as anger management tips for the person who finds themselves in stressful and confrontational situations.

School Buildings Impact on Perception of Education

No parent would want to send his child to an indecorous and uncomfortable school. Generally, schools are addressed not like any other venues or places in a community. Most of the time, such institutions have good architecture and good facilities to earn respect and trust of parents, who always want a good and conducive environment for their children. In this regard, school buildings and their quality play important roles in bolstering up perception of people about education. This could be verified from the psychological concept of association. Most of the time, parents want to draw appropriateness from identifiable and physical features.This is because parents mostly believe that beautiful and homey places help children cope up better so they could open up and learn lessons.  Thus, you should not be surprised if many of them judge schools with the most beautiful campuses as among the best, without further looking into overall quality of education.

Such perception is exactly alive not just in third-world countries but also in the more developed ones. In the US, it has been a common knowledge that school infrastructures are among the major investments of educational institutions. Schools strive harder to beautify and improve its surroundings and buildings before accepting students. In fact, many schools across the US are designed by famous architects. One would always be in awe upon seeing and appreciating the splendid built and architecture of some of the famous campuses in this side of the planet. In struggling countries, schools are more likely to be judged by their aesthetic appearance. That is why many parents and children complain about lack and low quality of education, without really assessing the quality of teaching and mode of instructions. This is due to the almost universal thinking that education is guided and influenced by the surroundings. To most people, education could not be facilitated in a place that is less conducive for students and teachers.

That view gave notice true. That is because how could students focus on studies if they are disordered by inferiority of their classrooms? How could teachers have the drive to teach if they smell foul odors in the room? In the view of real educators, education should go beyond such facets. Students who are most willing and motivated to learn would open their minds to learning no matter how bad their surroundings are. The best driven teachers would always strive to teach no matter how distracted and unmotivated they are. Are you aware that in most countries, government budgets on education are spent building school structures and facilities than in paying teachers and investing in good learning materials? That is the reason why many global governments complain about the currently higher costs of education. Are they to blame when most people generally agree with that notion?

You should have your own memorable of your school lives. I am sure that you are argue that education shouldn’t have been complete if not for your beautiful and conducive school building. While such is an important, people should not forget that the content, quality, and overall effectiveness of curriculum and teaching modes are far more important. School buildings really facilitate education, but it would always be the drive and motivation within students and teachers that would make a difference.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finding Happiness

Today I am in a pretty good mood and thought that I would reflect on what's going on in my life. I am very happy with how things are at this time. I have a beautiful daughter who's getting ready to graduate from high school, I have a great sister who listens when I need her to, I have friends who help me to cope with all my past stuff and I have a good future ahead of me. I don't think that I would have gotten to this point if I didn't have some sort of support. At times, when you are facing that challege of going through divorce or infidelity by your spouse/significant other, you may feel like you have no support, or that no one else is there to support you. And to be honest, the ins and outs of daily life still continue and it's hard to get through it all.....so, if you don't have a close friend or family member who is there for you, then perhaps you need to seek out someone who will listen. Meeting new people and finding new hobbies also helps.  You can find a support group online, a pastor or some sort of therapy group who may be able to help you sort things out, but first and foremost, YOU are the only one who can make the decision of what you need to do next. Nobody else can decide this for you. You need to be comfortable in what you decide and what's best for you and your children, if you have any. Being happy is very important....life is so short and  you have to find a way to release your inner thoughts and get help. Is there life after infidelity?  DEFINITLY SO !!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Biblical Womanhood - And a Titus 2sday Linkup!!

Today I'm sharing a four minute video that will change the way you look at the future. John Piper define's Biblical Womanhood as having two characteristics.

1. She puts her hope in God.
2. She does good, and doesn't fear anything because of that hope.

For after this manner in the old
time the holy women also, who trusted
in God, adorned themselves, being in
subjection unto their own husbands:
Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling
him lord: whose daughters ye are,
as long as ye do well, and are not
afraid with any amazement.
~ 1 Peter 3:5-6

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Today and every Tuesday, I want to invite bloggers to link-up any blog posts that will encourage women to joyfully live out their roles as wives and keepers of their homes I'm looking for posts on marriage, parenting, housekeeping, or recipes.

All you have to do is enter the direct link from your post into the linky tool below!

I'd also like to ask you to link back here with the {TITUS 2}SDAYS code (below) so that other bloggers can join in too!

Benefits of Marriage

Be thankful to the Lord, for whom that are already married or are planning to continuous marriage in the near future. Therefore, marriage can make you richer than when you was single.
By marrying, you can combine the amount of revenue, reduce expenses, and creating additional opportunities. But financial stability can be achieved if you and your partner have a clear plan and a long commitment.
Well, here are some financial benefits to be gained from the marriage:
Improve credit score
If a couple have very good credit score, you may be able to see significant improvement with your credit score. And vice versa.
If done wisely, married couples can combine their accounts in order to get a direct increase in available credit. It's good to see a copy of your credit history the two parties and improve the negative points before putting a name on each account.
Get favorable loan bid
Two sources of income due to marriage increases your chances of getting an offer loans than ever before. Dream home you want can be obtained with a history of joint income, so the loan process may be easier with a better price.
But a bigger opportunity to come with greater responsibilities as well. Create a number of details about how you will pay the loan, and think about strategy if in case either party can not contribute financially in the future.
Improve financial stability
Having two sources of income certainly better than just one source. Having a partner to support you when problems arise, is one of the best benefits of sharing life with someone. Even though one party decides to stay home to take care of the family, there's always the possibility of being productive.
Newly married couples should define long-term plan to make their job skills and resume still look good, even though not used. So, you can re-enter the world of work if necessary and continue to get social security credit when they retire.
Combining expenditures
Some costs will probably remain the same for both of you, either before going even after marriage. But, for certain budget categories such as shelter and cable television bills, the costs will be lower because the number of claims divided by two.
Share the benefits of work
One of the most obvious benefits of marriage is instant access to health insurance and benefits from the company where the couple work. Health insurance, life, and disability may be obtained within 30 days after marriage.

Great! Honey Can desist Malignant Bacteria

For several centuries, honey is usually known as a traditional medicine 'partner' herbal medicine (jamu), now known to become the ultimate weapon against malignant bacteria such as MRSA.
A study in New Zealand show that Manuka honey is mentioned effectively kill the three types of bacteria that commonly infect the body when wounded, including among other super germs Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Manuka honey is a type of honey produced by bees residents in New Zealand Manuka tree. Experts have known this type of honey for a long time because too often used in the products of modern wound healing.
The research team led by Professor Rose Cooper, the University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), find the facts Manuka honey prevent bacterial attachment to the network, an important step in the process of infection.
"Preventing the bond also can inhibit the formation of biofilms, which can protect bacteria from antibiotics and let them cause infection simultaneously," said Cooper, told the Daily Mail.
Another study conducted Cooper show that Manuka honey makes MRSA become more sensitive to antibiotics such as oxacillin or effectively reverse antibiotic resistance.
"This indicates that current antibiotics may be more effectively cope with infections caused by resistant bacteria when combined with Manuka honey," he explained.
Still based on the opinion of Cooper, the research can improve the clinical use of honey because doctors are now faced with the problem of ever increasing cases of drug resistance.
"We need innovative ways to control and effective wound infection is not likely to contribute to the increase in anti-microbial resistance."
"This will help reduce the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria from the wound to vulnerable patients," said Cooper.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Power of Erosion

Nothing holds the power to negatively influence our faith more than the people we are close to. Friends can lift you up, while others drag you down faster than you ever thought possible. But when we come to the place where we see our sin for what it really is, we also see the importance of guarding our heart and protecting it from wear and tear.

Water appears to be weak and conformable when we cup it in the palm of our hand, and yet it has a force powerful enough to erode stone. In fact it's the key element that formed the grand canyon. My point being that people, like elements, carve lasting imprints into our lives, and therefore we need to choose our friends wisely.

I understand that everyone needs love and deserves our respect, but it's important when cultivating intimate relationships that we surround ourselves with people who will sharpen our faith rather than wearing it down.

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.
~ 2 Corinthians 6:14a

And if we are in fellowship with non believers, we might ask ourselves the questions:
  • Is there a common interest we share that will glorify God?
  • Does our friendship bring glory to God?

For what do righteousness and wickedness
have in common? Or what fellowship
can light have with darkness?
~ 2 Corinthians 6:14b

Don't get me wrong here, we are called to go out into the world and preach the gospel, which means that we need to be friendly and hospitable in the process. That is a must. What I'm referring to are the most intimate relationships we hunger for, such as a best friend or if you are single--a husband. It's important that we seek after people who will shine light on our faith rather than casting a shadow of doubt.

Unfortunately we're inundated with negative messages daily that question the wisdom of God over man and challenge our faith. That's no surprise considering it's been happening since the beginning of time when the serpent deceived Eve. Why couldn't Eve eat the fruit? It only makes sense doesn't it? She wasn't hurting anyone but herself, and she had the right to choose.

Satan used human reasoning as a method to deceive mankind, and it's the same temptation that's prevalent in our world today.

But that's where faith comes in. Faith is based on God's wisdom and doesn't make sense to the world--it never has and never will. It's about trusting in someone you don't see and putting your will in His hands. Why? Because He deserves the glory.

For the preaching of the cross is to them
that perish foolishness; but unto us which
are saved it is the power of God.
~ 1 Corinthians 1:18, KJV

So, while Christians walk by the Spirit--which means they do things that are right, rather than that which "feels" right--the arguments against our way of thinking tend to make so much sense that they pull us right back into sin should we allow ourselves to fall.

A popular argument is, "God wants you to be happy...," when the gospel truth is that God wants us to be saved. He wants us to experience joy and long-lasting peace that only comes through obedience to the Word.

Jesus didn't choose happiness when he went to the cross, He chose obedience, because He knew the power of the resurrection and He knew that eternal salvation is so much better than temporal comfort.

With Good Friday soon approaching, I pray that we will preserve our heart and worship God with that same attitude of obedience that our savior did.

My son, attend to my words; incline thine
ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart
from thine eyes; keep them in the midst
of thine heart. For they are life unto those
that find them, and health to all their flesh.
Keep thy heart with all diligence;
for out of it are the issues of life.
~ Proverbs 4:20-23

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stress and Your Health

Dangers of Stress

Stress is a constant part of most people's lives. And although it is quite common, it still needs to be addressed given its impact on an individual's health condition. When you experience stress, your body produces chemical changes in your brain that could also affect your health.

While some sources of stress are temporal, there are those that are produced over a long period of time so that it builds up. Before you know it, it becomes so serious that it affects your health in various levels. Even if you do not have any existing health condition, it can actually enhance your risk of developing them.

You can exhibit the following symptoms of stress, which eventually contributes to the health problems associated with stress:

  • sleeping troubles
  • lack of energy
  • tension
  • headaches
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • high blood pressure
  • pain in the back or neck
  • weight loss or gain, etc

Stress Related Illnesses and Conditions

Continued research is being done to show more of the impact that stress has on one's overall health. But despite of this, there has been several scientific claims linking stress to several health conditions from backaches, to insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

When a person experiences stress, it produces chemical changes in the body that consequently alters some biological processes. For instance, some women who had to deal with stress in their lives suffer abnormalities in their menstrual cycle. Others miss their menstruation, while some suffer from abnormal bleeding. Aside from that, stress could also result to hormonal imbalances that cause symptoms for fibroid tumors and endometriosis to exhibit.

Heart disease is another common illness associated with stress. It intervenes with your cardiovascular condition such that people with stress can suffer from conditions like heart attacks, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and stroke. Other common illnesses suffered by highly stressed individuals include fatigue, emotional disorders, headaches, ulcers, IBS, infections, colds, and lowered immunity system responses.

Taking Care of Your Body

Having known the impact that stress has on one's body, it is then important to take all the necessary steps to not only combat stress but also keep yourself free from any type of illness. Some people are too consumed with stress that they fail to pay attention to their body. Be more sensitive to your body and health needs.

The following are helpful tips on how you can handle stress and improve your health:

  • Take time off work to relax. Give your body a chance to recuperate.
  • Get enough amount of sleep, especially if you are going to work excessively during the day.
  • Eat well. Include enough amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as proteins.
  • Engage in a physical activity during your free time. Working out releases endorphins in your system, which is why it improves your mood.
  • Never resort to unhealthy methods of dealing with stress, such as drugs, smoking, or alcohol.

Seeking Professional Help

When stress begins to concern your health, it is important to seek professional guidance on the matter. The case is more important when stress has affected your health to a large extent. Indeed, there are professionals that can help you deal with the situation and overcome stress so your health can recover as well.

But a person can be too consumed with their stressful situation that they fail to recognize when help is necessary. The following are symptoms of too much stress and requires immediate professional attention:

  • sleeping problems due to anxiety
  • suicidal thoughts
  • loss of appetite often leading to weight loss
  • feeling of isolation or desire to be isolated from other people
  • high irritability

Myths on Hypnosis for Children

Hypnosis for children is done to help children combat cases of pain, insomnia, depression brought about by divorce or death.  It can also be used to fight excessive weight, night mares and even lessen asthma attacks.  There are significant advantages or contributions that hypnosis can do for children. 

Unfortunately, amidst all these gains and benefits, there are still some people who believe in hypnotic myths.  The following are some of the myths on hypnosis and what we can say about them. 

Myth1.  The person under hypnosis has no control over his mind and actions.

Hypnosis is induced in a tie when the person is still conscious and able to take and understand suggestions.  Children who are undergoing hypnotherapy can comprehensively talk with the hypnotherapist.  Hypnotherapy is done when the person is in deep relaxation and not in deep slumber.  Things are said as a suggestion and not as an authoritative command.  People who have undergone hypnosis would definitely remember what transpired during the session.

Myth2. Hypnosis is an evil act.  It can be compared to voodoo in some levels.

Hypnosis is not at all connected to any evil or Satanic acts.  Hypnotism intends to help people of their emotional, mental and physical problems not injure them with any satanic and demonic ritual.  Actually, hypnosis is a natural state that people undergo in different times a day. 

Myth3.  Hypnosis only affects those who are weak in personality. 

Hypnosis is something which happens naturally to our lives.  Actually, children ages 7 to 8 are said to be more prone to lapse into hypnotic stages.  Their mind is more creative and more imaginative.  This enables them to enter into a daydream or deep relaxation even during class or any time of the day.  Anybody can induce into a moment of self-hypnotic state.

Myth4.  You can get stuck in a hypnotic state.

Hypnosis is not a limbo where souls get stuck and unable to go to the next realm. Hypnosis is a state of awareness and consciousness.  Getting into the hypnotic state enables the children and adults, as well, to get to know their deeper feelings and thoughts. 

Myth5.  Hypnosis can be used as a truth serum, extracting the truth from other people.

A person could not go into hypnotic state if that person would not allow the hypnotherapist to.  Before children undergo any hypnotism, therapist would talk to them and explain what it is that they would do and how it would help them.  Upon hypnotism, if a suggestion is in contrast with the principles of the client, they would not accept the suggestion.  So if the person being investigated would not give the answer to the question, then hypnosis could not do anything about it. 

Myth6.  Hypnosis is not accepted by the medical community. 

The British Medical Association accepted hypnotism as a treatment in 1955, while the American Medical Association endorsed it in 1958.  The National Institute of Health endorsed hypnotherapy as one of the methods to relieve pain to cancer patients in 1995. 

Myth7.  Hypnosis therapy results are not as good as the other traditional therapies.

According to American Health Magazine published in August 2006, 36  percent of patients who go to psychoanalysis would experience results after 600 sessions.  Behaviour therapy would show 72 percent recovery rate after 22 sessions.  Hypnotherapy showed 93 percent of recovery after just 6 sessions.

These numerous myths smear how people regard hypnotherapy and how safe it is to hypnosis to children.  But what is important to know is the truth behind all myths. 

Getting anxious over Anxiety Depression?

A lot of people who are exerting too much of their brain power usually exhaust not only their physical strength when engaging in various multi-tasking activities, they also tend to over extend their brains up to the point when it plainly needs some good old time for relaxation. A lot of busy people who seem to cannot fathom the idea of relaxing and taking time of from work, as well as their worries, tend to actually start having nervous breakdowns, anxiety depression and all sorts of mental illnesses that can cause a person's sanity to go haywire, fortunately, if you're one of those poor unfortunate ones who are unable to distress and is constantly worried and fussing over things, there are actually available cures and various treatments for treating anxiety depression.

Anxiety depression is actually characterized by all sorts of irregularities and erratic behavior from the person who is suffering from it, this is usuallu due to certain stress triggers that may tend to easily cause a person undue jitters and stress. Also, a lot of people who tend to get easily nervous over stressful activities are actually prone to having anxiety depression, its just a matter of being strong-willed when it comes to facing difficult and stress-prone activities. It may be pretty hard to overcome at first, but trying to be calm and cool in times of extreme pressure is what'll actually save your mental health from going totally downward spiral.

When it comes to effectively curing one's self from a mental illness, one must keep in mind that you have to be actually honest with yourself and assess what kind of depression or mental illness you actually have, go to reputable psychiatrist to get yourself diagnosed correctly as well as be able to get the right depression treatment for yourself. Here are the various types of depression:

Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one's mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the
next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell.

Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother wherein physical stress during child birth, an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby can be just some of the possible factors why some new mother go through this.

Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately.

Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people
actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time. 

But the type of depression that has actually been proven to be quite common among people is anxiety depression, which is actually characterized by the state of being overly anxious about things. Anxiety, a supposedly normal behavior that'll actually help a person adjust more to a certain stressful activity like first date jitters or a grueling exam the following day. Anxiety actually helps you get psyched up towards facing certain "difficult situations"; anxiety therefore is actually a good thing. Anxiety depression however, is simply the opposite, not to be easily dismissed as a "case of the nerves"; Anxiety depression is in actuality an illness that can be caused from the biological makeup of an individual, or in other words, a hereditary illness.

Also, there are actually various types of Anxiety depression, each having its own unique characteristics. Take for example Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, this kind of Anxiety depression is a lot more complicated than the average Anxiety depression, in spite of possibly being a day-to-day habit for those who suffer this kind of Anxiety depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually makes the individual quite more paranoid than usual, anxiety attacks are more frequent, even absurd at times. They can even be anxious even when there's no apparent reason that calls for them to behave in such a way. People suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually shows a lot of symptoms, from lack of sleep, to being unable to relax, getting tired easily, cannot concentrate on what they're doing and even suffering from depression.  This kind of Anxiety depression is still curable; just a little work will actually do the trick.

Consult a reputable cognitive behavior therapist who'll help give the individual the therapy that he or she needs to help him or her loosen up, also prescribed medicines are sort of a must to help these individuals battle anxiety attacks, help them calm down and relax.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teaching Grace

Hi Darlene,

First let me say I agree with everything I have read on your website. I love the guidance you give to have a happier home and marriage, and I have three small children of my own.

My question to you concerns older children and reflections on my past.

I’m sad to say that my dear husband and I 'slipped' from our very faithful ways while we were engaged, and I became pregnant. This resulted in a wedding six weeks later instead of five months later.

When the children are older, and I’ve raised them the best that I can, how can I say if they ask, “Yes, this is what we did, and we repented. You weren’t the mistake but the result of that mistake, and we love you, but don’t want you to go down the same path?”

Because it was so hard on us, in the home and in the church, I would never wish it on anyone and want my kids to be stronger than I was. I can do my best when they are small and hope that’s enough but I just wondered what your thoughts are.


Walking strait again, for me and my babies

Dear Walking Strait,

Thank you for your letter and your kindness. I love that you have a zeal for raising your children well, and I’m excited to see how these seeds you are growing will flourish.

The first thing I’d say is that there isn’t any need to tell them until they get to the age where they figure it out and start asking questions. What you and your husband have done is between you and God, and no one else needs to be the wiser. Nevertheless, in most cases, the children start doing the math and once they put two and two together the light bulb goes off, and you may be questioned.

An important lesson that we need to teach our children is grace, and when you answer their questions, you’ll have the opportunity to share that message with them. Grace cannot be understood by those who haven’t learned the gravity of sin. Mingling grace with sin is like trying to teach the concept of light without the knowledge of dark.

Therefore, the more that we teach our children to obey the Word of God and the clear difference between right and wrong, the greater chance they have in understanding the goodness of God.

While you may be tempted to soften the blow by saying, "We made a mistake," or "We slipped up,” it’s important that you clearly point out that your disobedience to God was sin—nothing less. Not that you were a terrible person, or that you’d love your children any less if they were in your shoes, but that defying God’s law is sin, and that our actions have consequences.

On one hand parents want to candy coat things so that their kids get the idea that they were conceived in love, blah, blah, blah… but the bottom line is that YOU had nothing to do with conception—God did. He is directly responsible for life.

Children aren't conceived through sin, or by the outstanding track records of the righteous. They are conceived by the loving grace of God who breathes life into each soul. That's what makes them special, and that's what makes them matter in this world.

For thou hast possessed my reins:
thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully
and wonderfully made: marvellous are
thy works; and that my soul knoweth
right well.
My substance was not hid from thee,
when I was made in secret, and curiously
wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
~ Psalm 139:13-15, KJV

I pray that your deep understanding and acceptance of grace by the Holy Spirit will provide you with the words when the timing is right.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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In participation with:

Our Daughter's Going To Graduate? Will He Show Up?

Now it's winding down close in time for our daughter to graduate from high school....she even got the invitations in a few days ago. While we were going through the list of who are going to get the invitations, of course, she wanted to give one to her dad. I am honestly ALL for it !  The only problem is...will he even come? When it came time for her quinceanera several years ago, he didn't even show up. I wonder if he is going to pull the same trick again. I certainly hope that by this time, he will go, even if it's just to show up in time for her name to be called. This will be the last time that she will invite him to a function before she turns from her to adulthood. I want to call him and discuss this with him, in the hopes that he will come see her, but I am wondering if I should or not???  What would you do?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me...

Since my youth, O God, you have taught me,
and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me,
O God, till I declare your power to the next
generation, your might to all who are to come.
~ Psalms 71:17-18 (NIV)

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Afternoon Prayer

If you would like to pray with us, please do so right now, where you are. Together we can hold their arms up through this battle.

Dear Darlene,

We are self-employed and need some prayers our way. I have handed over a situation that blindsided us yesterday to God knowing that whatever happens is His plan for us. I pray for God to help me continue to let go of control in releasing it to Him. My husband is very successful and there may also be people that want to bring him down. I have also prayed for those people to do the right thing and place aside any feelings of jealousy or vengeance to look to God in a decision they need to make which affects our livelihood.

I am asking for your prayer today because you are a woman that I now look up to. I've never reached out like this before. As long as my husband and I have each other, we have all we need. But he has worked so hard for so long to get to where he is (and done it in a loyal, virtuous, ethical way) to think that someone can basically take it all away in a matter of 24 hours is breaking my heart.

Thank you so much!


Dear Father,

I pray for D and her husband today. Asking first that you will bring joy and peace to their lives. Even this minute in the midst of the storm calm the waves. Like the disciples in the boat with Jesus, I pray that they will hold onto the comfort that You are not asleep in this storm. That You can calm the waves with a single word. You can change hearts, open doors and pave roads. Lord I trust that those roads are paved, whether they can see them at this minute or not--doors are waiting to be opened leading to better paths for those who are in Christ Jesus.

While I ask that you remove this burden from their lives, we offer our hearts in submission to you.

You've never promised us that life would be easy, but you have promised us joy. Praise you Father God in the name of your precious Son Jesus. That joy is here, and now. Not tomorrow, not a year down the road, but this minute it's theirs for the taking.

People can threaten their finances, threaten their health, threaten their livelihood, but no one on earth or below can take away the peace that passes all understanding.

Oh Lord, I pray for them, and for my own husband as he labors at work that they would hold onto that peace, and see it for the great treasure it is.

Paul was a man who saw the beauty that trials bring, and we as your servants and students of that message seem to grasp it in part. My heart longs for the day when I'll treasure each trial that comes knowing that you are ever present and beside me.

"Never Alone." That has been your message to me, Lord. And I pray that it will be a comfort to them.

In the almighty name of your son Jesus, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. We lay our hearts and our fears in your hands. May we leave this place of prayer strengthened and refreshed by Your Spirit.


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Monday, April 11, 2011

31 Days to Clean

Sarah Mae from Raising Homemakers has just come out with an affordable and inspiring ebook called, 31 Days to Clean: How to Have a Martha House, the Mary Way.

In 31 days to Clean, Sarah Mae reaches into the heart of the home, by posing the question, "Why?" Why do we manage our homes, and what purpose do we serve in doing so? Beautifully illustrating the answer through scripture-based wisdom, Sarah Mae encourages wives to love well, forgo perfection and bring life to the mundane

Along with a few other women, I was blessed to be a part of this book as a contributing author. If you pick up a copy, you'll find me on Day 21, sharing, "The Importance of a Plan."

If you have trouble viewing this video by email subscription,
click here to view it at Time-Warp Wife

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Today and every Tuesday, I want to invite bloggers to link-up any blog posts that will encourage women to joyfully live out their roles as wives and keepers of their homes I'm looking for posts on marriage, parenting, housekeeping, or recipes.

All you have to do is enter the direct link from your post into the linky tool below!

I'd also like to ask you to link back here with the {TITUS 2}SDAYS code (below) so that other bloggers can join in too!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Prayers for Micah

Time-Warp Wife welcomes Linda Ahern...

Note: The Ahern family started noticing some neurological impairments when their son Micah was 13 months old. What Micah has is called Neuroblastoma. It is a solid tumor cancer. In general it is very difficult to detect and is often caught after it has spread to other parts of the body. Fortunately for Micah his was caught early, but now has progressed to stage 4.

Linda with Micah (right) and his brother

I know that so many people keep asking and are wondering, "How are you doing?" So of course I always say I am fine. I started thinking, "How AM I doing?" I feel like I am in the clouds and I am looking down at my life. I feel like what we are going through is the worst thing any parent can ever go through. I can not imagine anything worse. But, then yesterday I spoke with a mom who has been down the road we are getting ready to go down. Her daughter earned her wings just a few years ago in 2007. Elisha was diagnosed when she was just 2 years old. She battled hard for 2.5 years before she went to heaven. Her mom said something to me that really changed my thoughts on this whole experience. She told me how thankful she was that her daughter wasn't killed instantly in a car accident. Or that she wasn't taken in her sleep unexpectantly. She was so thankful that she got to spend 2.5 years watching her daughter grow, sing praise songs to the Lord, dance, love her family, and be a light in this world. How blessed she felt to spend every waking hour with her daughter.

We are not promised a lifetime with our children. Sometimes our children do not even leave the womb to enter the world. Sometimes our children live beyond our days. Sometimes our child is taken in an accident. Sometimes a child becomes ill and is taken before we want them to go. We as believers know that the Lord holds our children in His hands. He alone is in control. He chooses our days. And ALL for His glory. I have already had 2 years, 0 months, and 8 days with Micah which is more than lots of mothers get with their children. If I get 70, or 50, or 20 more years with him I will be sooooo grateful. But, if I only get one or two more shouldn't I still be grateful? I will be. Everyday I will cherish.

Some days I don't want to think about it or talk about it. Somedays I want to pretend like life is okay. Somedays I think about my life the last year and I can't even believe what we have done and been through. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I am angry. Sometimes I am overwhelmed. Sometimes all I can do is kneel at the throne and cry out to my Father; actually a lot of times. Sometimes all I want to do is hold Micah in my arms and freeze time. But, ultimately my God is in control and I TRUST HIM! Ultimately He loves Micah so much more than I can even comprehend. There is great comfort in knowing my Great God. I pray others will find comfort in Him too.

So that's how I'm doing. I have a great Savior. I have a great family. Praise the Father!

Please keep the Ahern family in your prayers.

Visit: Praying for Micah Ahern on Facebook

Find more information about Micah at CaringBridge.org

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Power of a Submissive Life

I hope you enjoy this message as I do.

The speaker is John MacArthur of Grace to You.

For those who receive this via email, you can click here to listen at my blog.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Limiting Family Size?

Dear Darlene,

I truly enjoy reading your blog. I feel that I can learn a lot from your blog. I am a young wife (23) and mother of two ages 5 and 2. I am going through my life and weeding out beliefs that I feel I've been pressured into by my family and society. And I would love to know your opinion on “limiting family size."

My husband and I love our two beautiful children, and are not currently trying. However if God was to bless us with more whenever He saw fit, we would gladly welcome the blessing. But I cannot help but feel that maybe I'm being naive by not using birth control. I have more faith in the Lord than a piece of latex or man-made medications.

But at the same time my mother said that the Lord gave the inventors of such things the knowledge to invent them. My mother only had two children. I know that children are expensive and require attention love and training. I also know that the Lord will give me whatever and whenever He sees fit, and that goes for all blessing in my life not just children. Am I naive for not actively trying to conceive? Or not trying to avoid conceiving?

P.S. I could not find in your blog if you have addressed this before, I apologize if I missed it.


My faith is stronger (than latex)

Dear Faith,

Before I give my thoughts on this topic I pray that I won’t sway any readers from following their conscience or understanding of scripture on the topic. Above anything else, please pray about it and continue to seek God’s will for your family.

First and foremost, let’s not minimize what the Bible says, as it’s very important that we believe and adhere to what the scriptures say. We are told that children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man;
so are children of the youth. Happy is the
man that hath his quiver full of them:
they shall not be ashamed, but they shall
speak with the enemies in the gate.
~ Psalm 127:3-5

However, there are certain circumstances through which parents may choose that having another child isn’t the best decision for their family. For example, I’ve had five miscarriages, and with each of my pregnancies we had difficulties.

When I was pregnant for the ninth time, I was told by the doctors that Nathaniel’s kidneys were severely enlarged and that it was unlikely that he would survive, if he even made it to term. I already had a sick baby at home, and the life of my unborn child was threatened. Overcome with stress and grief, we decided that Nathaniel would be our last child. He was born healthy--all praise to God!--but that's a whole other story.

In addition to the constant turmoil, having four c-sections had thinned the walls of my uterus, which made having any more children dangerous for us. So taking everything into consideration, we pulled back the reigns.

I’d love nothing more than to have 18 kids like my grandma did, but unfortunately it wasn’t the direction by which we felt led. There’s always the “shoulda, woulda, coulda,” that I have to deal with, but at the same time I’m content knowing that God allowed me to choose.

And you are right, children are expensive—very expensive--and require attention, love and training. But there are so many things that most children today can do without: hockey, ballet, swimming pools, trampolines, laptops, motorized cars, guitar lessons, Xboxes, fast food, and $95 shoes. Happy are those who find their delight in the Lord!

Unfortunately many parents in our society are choosing more “stuff” over more children, and as a result they are missing out on a blessing. You can always get more “stuff” when you’re older, but there comes a time in every woman’s life when she’s finished bearing children. At that point, there’s no going back—she’s done.

The Bible doesn't prohibit birth control, but as with all areas of our lives we need to consider our choices to ensure that our decisions aren’t based on a lust for this world, but rather a pursuit of our Lord.

I’m probably not familiar with many of the modern methods of birth control. However, based on scripture I do know that abortion is not an option. Neither is anything that destroys a developing fetus or a fertilized egg. Preventing a pregnancy and destroying life are two very different things.

I realize that I have gone into more detail on this subject than you asked, but in answering your question, I wanted to ensure that I gave a thorough answer to others who may also come across this article. Human life is a precious thing that is not to be taken lightly.

I don’t think that you are naïve, and I applaud you for trusting God’s plan for your family.

You are loved by an almighty God,


For comments or questions, contact me at:

P.S. To those who have sent me letters and haven't received a reply, I just wanted you to know that I have received your email and your words are often on my mind. Thank you for trusting me with your heart. Unfortunately I don't have time to reply to all of your questions, but I pray that I will get to many of them as God permits time and wisdom.

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