Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mom's Turkey Stuffing

Bake 350°F 30 – 40 min.

1 lb. Pork sausage
Breadcrumbs from one loaf of bread (cube and toast in the oven)
1 Onion (diced)
1 pinch of ginger
1 T sage
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 diced Celery stalk
1 c turkey broth or water

*Don't tell my mom, but I also add a box of chicken flavored Stove Top Stuffing to the mix, just to give it that extra kick of flavor. But it tastes amazing either way!

To make bread crumbs, cube the bread and toast them on a cookie sheet in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Check them periodically so they don't over toast.

Mix ingredients together and press into baking pan. Add a little water if necessary to further moisten.

Bake at 350°F for 30 – 40 min. Stuffing can either be baked separately or stuffed into a turkey or chicken for cooking.)

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Raising Homemakers

Tempt my Tummy Tuesdays

Beauty and Bedlam

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Wisdom of Abigail

I’ve been reading much about wisdom these days. It’s mentioned about 45 times (depending on the version) in the book of Proverbs alone.
Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
~ Proverbs 4:5-7, NIV
When God sends a message that clearly, I sit up and take note. “What now, Lord?” I ponder. “How can I apply wisdom to my ministry?” (That ministry being the noble wife of my husband, a leader of four children and keeper of our home).

Looking to the Greek translation for clarification on wisdom, we find “sophia,” which is why we see words like philosophy, a combination of “philo” (brotherly love) and “sofia.” The shortened version of the word (wise) can be found in sophisticated and sophomore. Ever wonder why some teeth are called “wisdom teeth?” It’s because we get them at the onset of maturity.

Dictionary.com defines wisdom this way: Knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity [level headedness], discernment, or insight.

Throughout scripture, wisdom and understanding are found hand in hand. Wisdom is the fear of the Lord, while understanding is that wisdom in practice.

“How can I apply wisdom to my ministry, Lord?”

In silent reverence I wait until I feel His guidance lead through a whisper, “Seek me until My truth is living, moving, and breathing in your home; until the righteousness of my Word is coupled with each step you take; and until My wisdom exceeds your desire. That’s what you’re called to do.”

Looking to His word for example I find Abigail in 1 Samuel chapter 25. Abigail was the wife of Nabal, and while she was a woman of good understanding and beauty, the Bible describes him as churlish. In other words, he was rude, impolite, hot-headed and lacked the wisdom his wife had.

In verses 7 and 16 we see that David had protected Nabal’s shepherds and was now asking for a reasonable favor in return: that Nabal would give them provisions when they arrived.

Nabal was rich, and so it certainly wouldn’t have been any trouble for him to comply, but instead of being wise and generous, he chose to be rude, which only provoked David to fight.

Gathering an army of 400 men, David set out to destroy Nabal’s household, and had it not been for the wisdom of one woman he would have.

Recognizing that David was a servant of the Lord, Abigail sent a generous gift to David, and with that gift she humbled herself at his feet pleading for the life of her husband. She didn’t deny that Nabal was ill-mannered or rude, but she sought grace on his behalf.

In this beautiful love story, we see that David granted her that grace, and within ten days God took the life of Nabal, and rewarded Abigail with her freedom.

Where did that freedom lead her? Into the arms of David, a valiant soldier and soon-to-be king.

Through Abigail’s example, we see the cycle of wisdom in action:

  • She realized that David was a holy man and what his God was capable of.
    “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)

  • She avoided conflict.
    “A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.” (Proverbs 14:16)

  • She worked quietly to resolve the problem.
    “A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.” (Proverbs 29:11)

  • She put her understanding into action and offered a gift to David.
    “He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.” (Proverbs 10:5)

  • She reaped the rewards that come to those who are wise, when she became David’s wife.
    “The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.” (Proverbs 3:35)
You are loved by an almighty God,


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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Give Thanks

When my children bow their heads to pray, they look as though they are expecting God to tiptoe into the room, put a balloon on the floor, and then pop it with the nearest pin. The faithful anticipation I witness in the clasp of their tiny hands warms my heart, inspiring me to grow in childlike faith. While their eyes are tightly closed, their lids flicker like they’re trying to release a wad of glue from their lashes. Their shoulders are raised from the big breath they inhaled, and they’re holding onto that breath for the big ‘amen’. During the silence of the moment when they’re sure that no one will know someone always sneaks a peek, with one eye half open, while the other struggles to stay closed.

“Dear Heavenly Father—” Graham starts to pray.

“Wait!” The other children interrupted in unison, “It’s not your turn.”

“It’s my tuwn,” Nathaniel says bowing his little head, “Dear Heavenwy Fa—”

“You get to pray over snacks!” Graham argues, remembering a conversation we had two years ago.

I walk over to the table grasping for divine wisdom, and a little peace, “Graham, we aren’t together for four meals anymore, and so the rules have changed, but I’m going to let you say the prayer today, okay? Everyone, listen to Graham.”

Graham starts his prayer again, “Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this food, and thank you for this great day. I’m glad we have a great Mommy and Daddy. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”

Picking up his spoon, Nathaniel adds, “And I love Jesus! Amen!” Just like he always does regardless of whose turn it is to pray.

While I guide my children, teaching virtues like that of thanksgiving. I find that more often I am the student drawn to the Lord by their zest. I desire to dwell in that attitude of gratitude, the same mind-set that moves us to run that we might win. Thoughts that stir our hearts to press on for the prize of the high calling, because of Who He is, and call us to live a life of thanksgiving abandoned at the foot of His throne.

With my eyes tightly closed I breathe in. With faithful anticipation, the word of God is clasped tightly in my hands. The spirit blows through my soul, and in the brush of its wind I hear the voice of the Father cry out, “Give thanks.”
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
~ Psalm 100

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Lord is Near

Dear Darlene,

I have wanted to leave you a comment many times, but have simply been too lazy to send you an e-mail. Today I decided it was high time to thank you. Your blog is such a powerful ministry, and I love the way you gently teach biblical principles about marriage and family to encourage us along the way.

I've been married for almost seven years and my hubby has been struggling with TMJ horribly since right before the birth of our daughter in March of this year. It has taken a big toll on our family, marriage, and on his quality of life. He acts depressed and feels hopeless because he doesn't know what to do about the pain and frustration. We can chug along really well in spite of this, and we truly have a great Godly foundation between us, but we have grown distant without even realizing it and that is what we have been working on over the past couple of months.

I told my hubby that I didn't get married to have a crummy marriage and a miserable life. I got married because God desires to make this an amazing union blessed touched by His hand. I want God's best for us, but we are standing in the way of that by building walls. God is doing a great work in us--slowly, and we are just trying to be patient.

Last night we had a tough, but great talk about our situation, and this morning my hubby gave me a huge hug and told me how much I mean to him, which I haven't gotten in a long time let me tell you! He has been working long hours on his job till nine o’clock every night, which leaves him no time to help or be with us as a family. That is a big reason why I have been feeling frustrated and even bitter at times. I've been working on getting my things done early so when he is off I can give him attention and talk with him.

In just a few days I've noticed him perk up and he has been lending a little hand when he can. He just changed the baby's diaper without being asked and he did it with a smile on His face. What a treat when God allows us the honor of seeing the fruits of our service so promptly! Haha :) God is amazing!

Then I read your blog and felt only that much more encouraged this morning to keep fighting the good fight.

I am not called to be a loving, Godly wife simply when it benefits me. No, quite the contrary, I am called to be that woman when times are hard; to hold us together and to keep us soft before the Lord. Thank you for the reminders and for the scripture to steady us. Onward we press!

Blessings friend,


Dear Casey,

I love your letter. It's so encouraging to know that while I'm writing to please the Lord, I'm encouraging the hearts of readers like you.

I don't doubt that "chugging along" describes the state of many marriages, including my own, when I'm not putting an effort into our relationship.

A good marriage takes work, just like being fit does. We can't expect to wake up and be in great shape unless we're feeding our body nutritious food, getting enough sleep and doing some form of exercise. In the same way, we can strengthen our marriage by nurturing our relationship and exercising patience.

Among other things, love is patient, gentle and long suffering. When we truly love our husbands the way that God designed us to love, we strengthen that bond.

Lay your burdens at the foot of His throne.
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~ Philippians 4:5-7
You are loved by an almighty God,


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Friday, November 19, 2010

The Winds of Why

(This post was written for my friend, Amy Bayliss. Her three young boys recently lost their father to a sudden heart attack. Please pray for them. Also please pray for the family of young Rebekah. She is battling cancer while her mother is dying from ALS)

I see a young child so damaged by the effects of radiation that she’s barely recognizable, while the words “inoperable cancer” pierce our ears. I see children starving in a world where we eat and drink without thought. I see young girls working on the streets, sold for the price of drugs, while adults abuse them in ways that one can only imagine. And I see three young boys crying out from the depths of a broken heart because their father has passed on too soon.

In this world where sin, death, poverty, perversion and pain are a vivid reality, we are tossed to and fro by the winds of “Why?”

Why did I have to lose five babies to miscarriage? Why is my dad living with fifteen inoperable brain tumors? And why are children hurting in this world? I grieve without understanding, and so how, as a mother, can I possibly teach my children to understand?

The winds of “why” are strong. They have the potential to pull one into the deepest pit of depression and another into the abyss of despair. What we believe about God and what we teach during these moments of pain and confusion determine how we set our sail in the storm.

High winds will definitely change our course in life, but the choices we make during these times of darkness are the pivotal points that determine where we will finally dock.

As parents we have a responsibility to guide children through times of trouble and to catch them when they fall. They don’t understand how to grieve anymore than we do, and so they look to us for those cues that will lead them through pain toward peace.

How can we explain pain to our children when we don’t have the answers ourselves? We start by honestly saying, “I really don’t know.” Man doesn’t have to understand the ways and the “whys” of God. His wisdom exceeds ours, and while we wish we had the answer to the question "why?" We don’t.

What we do know and what we can offer our children is hope. Time does heal our pain, yes, but God holds the power to start that healing today. Doubt has the ability to drag us into a pit, but faith has the power to lift us out of that pit and keep us from falling back in.

We don’t weather these storms alone, anymore than the disciples did when Jesus was sleeping on the boat through the storm. Upon waking him, they quickly learned that our God is ever present and always in control.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. ~ Psalm 46:1-3, NIV

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quick to Listen - Slow to Speak

Remember those first few months of your courtship, when as they say “Love was blind?” My husband was perfect in every way. He wasn’t just the most intelligent man I’d ever met--he was also the cutest, the funniest, the most talented, the best dresser....I’m certain that Michael sensed that feeling of love and acceptance which in turn made him feel every bit as masculine and handsome as I believed him to be.

When you experience that kind of love, you feel worthy to receive and give love. In fact I remember a single friend of mine once say to me, “It’s amazing how a man has the power to make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world one day, and with one negative statement like ‘let’s just be friends’ that beautiful feeling is gone.”

This is the kind of spark I encourage you to bring back into your marriage. You hold the power to make your husband feel like the most amazing man in the world--one spark is all it takes to ignite the fire. But in much the same way, a bad attitude and disrespect has the potential to douse any flame you might have.

I've been married for 22 years, but there was a time in my marriage when things had turned sour. My husband was over-focused on work and paid little attention to tending to jobs around the house. Instead of mowing the lawn on a Saturday morning, he’d head off to work. Instead of being home in time for supper he’d stroll in anywhere from 7-9pm. I wasn't an angel either, in fact I don't blame him for wanting to stay at work. I was resentful, gave up on the house, and started to focus on me. So we had two people harboring anger, and as our resentment grew, the wall went up, brick by brick.

Praise God that we finally came to the realization that something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong, and all I wanted to do was run, but Michael loved me enough to stop me. He valued our relationship enough to sit down and talk until every bit of resentment was out in the open. God calls us to a life of righteousness, which is quick to listen and slow to speak. Life is no longer about me; it's about living for the good of my family and ultimately pleasing the Lord.

Like our bodies, a marital infection needs to be treated. Sometimes a wound creates pus that looks nasty, but it’s God’s way of cleaning out the body and fighting bacteria. An abscess is an entirely different thing, it collects puss and resides in a cavity until it is surgically removed.

Couples disagree, they fight, and feelings get hurt. It’s a natural part of any marriage--that's the nasty coming out--but resentments that are left untreated will fester and grow to the point where you have serious problems to solve.

Communication is so important. If you find it difficult to talk to your spouse, write him letters that stem from your love. Apologize for your shortcomings and build up his strengths. Remember that we can’t change another person, but we can always change ourselves.

Changing our heart is the starting place for rebuilding love.
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.
~ James 1:19-21, NIV

You are loved by an almighty God


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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is There Really Anybody Out There Who Lasts In Marriage Anymore?

Honestly, through the news media, tv and radio, all I hear these days are about couples who just don't make it. And there's sooooooo many of them that end because of infidelity. What's with it these days? What ever happened to marriage that lasts til death do us part? Does it even exist anymore? My parents divorced when I was a young teen....so was I destined to be in a failed marriage? I am wondering because I have been through more than one. Do we learn from our parents? Or is it because of society today being more accepting of failed marriages that just don't work out? Do we often jump into marriage before we are actually ready?  Oh, so many questions with so few answers.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who Protects Their Rights?

This past week it came to my attention that Amazon was selling an ebook for Kindle titled, “The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure.” And if your imagination leads you to envision the worst, take it a step further, and you’ve got the picture. This book, written by Phillip R. Greaves II was a how-to book, written by a man who described himself as one who was first introduced to sex “at the tender age of seven, by a ten-year-old girl, who had watched her parents doing it through a keyhole.”

Reading an excerpt of the book, I was shaken to the core. Not only was this author making money off of what I deem as the lowest of criminal and immoral activity, he was instructing others to do the same.

Among thousands of readers—and many of my fellow sisters in Christ--I was one small voice in the crowd who took a stand against Amazon. I was ashamed of them, and unless Amazon changes their stand on this issue, I continue to be.

I went to Twitter to make my voice known, called my local radio station and posted the situation on Facebook. My voice wasn’t much, but together thousands of voices were. Amazon pulled the book, but has not made a public statement. They have defended similar books in the past saying that it was an issue of freedom of expression and choice. Why does that word “choice” always protect the perpetrator without considering the rights of the weak? Who protects their rights?

Because I believe that we need to stand up and protect our children, I would like to share this letter with you that I received this past week:

Dear Darlene,

I have a passion for people in pain, people who have been judged, and deemed "disposable." I have to fight and stand up for "the least of them," because I am "the least of them."

When will people understand that "inaction and silence" is tantamount to "complicity?" No matter how big or how small the injustice is. Whether it’s a "legal crime" or a "moral and ethical crime," to say nothing--and to do nothing--makes you a silent partner to the crime itself. The "safe silent majority" infuriate me! Cruelty and injustice incenses me. People who "live a lie" light a fire in my heart.

I am glad that you had the conviction to speak out against something so horrible!

The "story" of this "book" is not "over," it has only begun. Because thousands of pebbles were thrown into a pond, the ripples of those pebbles will go on for years. I am left wondering how many children’s lives will forever be altered because of the copies that were released.

When I was 4 or 5 years old, a "kind man" in his 50's--wearing only "camouflage" gear and driving a van painted with brown primer, with no windows, stopped on my street while I was playing ball and offered me a popsicle if I went for a drive with him. My mother had never warned me about "strangers," and so I truly thought he was just a "kind old man" who wanted to take me for a ride in his van and give me a Popsicle.

I remember looking at him and putting my hands on my hips while saying "Well--what flavor?" I also remember the stunned look on his face as he held it sideways to read the "flavor."

"Chocolate" he said. Being only 4 or 5 years old--and being a definite connoisseur of popsicles--I didn't know much, but I did KNOW that "chocolate" was the one flavor of popsicle that I HATED! And so I thanked him and said, "No that's ok, thanks anyways." Then I went back into the backyard to continue playing ball.

I never told anyone about the "nice old man" who offered me a ride and a chocolate Popsicle. And it wasn't until I was almost 30-years-old when I remembered that incident and I realized what I had narrowly escaped from. I would not be here today had he said "Grape" or "Cherry."

Between the "Camouflage Gear" that he was dressed in, the van painted "primer brown," with no windows except the front ones, and his being "armed" with a chocolate Popsicle, there is no doubt in my mind that had I said "yes," I would have been raped and murdered, and left somewhere in a forest or far off secluded location to rot. He would not have been able to "return" me to play ball in my backyard. And that's where my story would have ended, if not for the wrong flavor of a Popsicle. It’s that thought that still haunts me today...

The bottom line is that the true story of this book is not over, it has only begun. How many "predators" will get a true education from that book? How many little lives will be altered or ended because another “predator” has received an education? To me, that is where this story really begins.

I'm glad that you are one of the few people left with any degree of true "conviction" - it takes a lot of guts not to be "silent," and to speak out against things that are inherently wrong, whether they affect your life or not.



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Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Letter from Sunny

Dear Darlene,

I absolutely LOVED this article [Submit One to Another]! SO true! God ALWAYS deserves our respect, love and well, everything! :)

Oh, and you know what else, I actually wash my husband's feet! I really get into it too! I first started about a decade ago when I was having trouble submitting to him and after much prayer, knew God was telling me I needed to physically wash his feet.

Why? Because I was such a contentious woman (not that I don't still have my moments :)) that God said I needed the visual to help me. OUCH! So I did and I wept nearly the entire time. Sitting at my husband's feet, having the privilege of washing away all the burdens the world had put on him that day, was overwhelming and brought me to tears.

For those who've never done it and would like to:
  • Purchase a large basin

  • Purchase lots of foot washing things: foot file, sloughing cream, liquid foot washing soap, mint foot lotion, etc.

  • Before you wash his feet, throw a couple of hand towels into the dryer so they're nice and hot.

  • Take one foot out of the basin and massage it with lotion

  • Wrap in a warm towel, then do the same with the other foot
I haven't done this in a while though. Thanks for the reminder. I think I'll do it tonight. It'll be a nice surprise for my darling who works so hard so I can stay home. :)

Love you sister,

Sunny Shell

Thank you for sharing that, Sunny, it's a beautiful testimony of one woman's love for her husband--an example we can all follow. I cherish your ongoing encouragement and the way that you live out your faith.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Do We Always Remember The Good, And Sometimes Forget The Bad?

I look back at my past relationship and for a long time, I wanted it to work so badly, that there were times that he hurt my feelings terribly, and I would eventually go back with him, forgive him and all of a sudden, I was missing the "good" in us and not focusing so much on the "bad". Why do our minds let go of the bad when they cheat on us? Or perhaps it's not our minds, but our hearts that are taking over. I believe that there are many times when our hearts want one thing, and our minds want something totally different. Love can be so hard sometimes. I am very glad that I was strong enough to walk away, especially after having it happen over and over again....it would have never stopped. He was just way too interested in having more than one woman. I look back now and wonder why I put up with it for such a long time.  I know that it had to have been my heart holding on for so long, because my mind knew better, but the heart won out for it seems like forever. Today I am happy and a much stronger woman. Being in love is wonderful, but when you start getting cheated on, your life just seems to fall apart. Onward and Upward for me.....and have I forgotten the bad that he put me through?  No, but it has faded more back into the memory bank and today I am thankful for having been able to finally move on.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Good Wife's Guide

Now Available in Print!

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"The Good Wife's Guide" eBook $2.99
By Darlene Schacht
with foreword by Candace Cameron Bure


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Book Description:

Author Darlene Schacht encourages women to joyfully serve their families from a place of sacrificial love. She beautifully demonstrates how supporting our husbands and living in unity is a reflection of  God's blueprint for marriage.

While doing so, The Good Wife's Guide offers reasons for achieving a well-managed home backed by scripture and gleaned from experience. As well it provides readers with detailed cleaning and organizing schedules for practical application.

If you like tips on organization and housekeeping, this book is for you!

About the Author:

Darlene Schacht is the mother of four children, help meet to her husband Michael, and co-author of the award-winning and New York Times best-seller, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness. 


Format: eBook (Print version coming soon!)
Print Length: 163 pages
Publisher: Time-Warp Wife Ministries
Language: English
Price: $4.95


"Being a woman is a powerful role that God has called each of us to, and I love the ways in which Darlene helps us focus on those priorities and live out our desire to be 'The Good Wife.'" - Candace Cameron Bure, Actress, NYT Best-Selling Author

"The Good Wife's Guide is superb! Darlene's Biblical and practical approach leads readers from the ideal to reality. Her real life examples, practical applications, helpful lists and tips will inspire you not just to be a Good Wife but a Godly wife!" ~ Courtney Joseph, Women Living Well Ministries

"I found myself being convicted, encouraged and motivated all at once! I was highly impressed by this great little ebook and I highly recommend it. I know I will be returning to reread it in the future!" ~ Ashley, Stay-At-Home Daughter

"In this book, you won't find vague ideas but truth that will help you to set priorities straight and embrace your calling. Darlene does not sugar coat the truth but rather presents it in a way that is refreshing in a culture that waters down the Biblical roles of women." ~ Ashlie O., One Small Town Girl

"The second part of the book I NEEDED the most, it tackles organizing our homes, creating a housekeeping schedule, deep cleaning schedule through out the home and so much more." ~ Sonya Schroeder, Becoming a Strong Woman of God

Table of Contents: 

Foreword by Candace Cameron Bure

Part 1:
The Good Wife’s Guide
Learning to Manage Ourselves
Being Selfish is Not Okay
Group Your Life Inventory
Time Well Spent
My Desire for Curb Appeal
Domestically Challenged
What Will They  Take Away?
Repetition, Pattern, Order
Laughing Over Spilt Milk
Biblical Submission Defined
No Need of Spoil
Living in Unity
The Treasure of Your Heart
Enhance Your Inner Beauty
Love and Let Go

Part 2:
Toss Out 25 Things
Organizing Your Home
Housekeeping Schedule
Deep Clean Your Kitchen  in 5 Days
Deep Clean Your Bedroom
Deep Clean Your Bathroom


I came across a copy of "The Good Wife's Guide" a while back. It looked to be a photocopy of an article published by "Housekeeping Monthly," in May of 1955, but upon closer inspection, I got to wondering if the article might be a hoax. I recognized the photo as one I had previously seen on the cover of John Bull Magazine.

Wikipedia writes, "According to snopes.com, the wording "The Advertising Archives" located on the right side of the image suggests a fraud, since the Archives itself was not started until 1990." So was it an email hoax? More than likely it was.

I got to reading the satirical article and so many of the points that it had were the same ones I stress throughout the contents of my blog, and in particular a post I wrote titled, "My Desire for Curb Appeal." I clicked through several of the links, and nearly everywhere the guide was posted, it was up for much ridicule. The sad thing in all of this is that our role as a help-meet is being diminished by popular opinions that would rather scoff at good family values than face the truth of God’s word.
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” Ephesians 5:22-24, (NIV)
I’ve decided to resurrect the “Good Wife’s Guide” in my own words, and according to the role that I hope to fulfill in my life. It is no longer a satirical piece written to mock the role of a help-meet, but rather a guide that leads women toward a noble character and good family values. It’s time that we took a stand for family values that serve to grow and protect the family unit as God divinely designed it to be.

Here is the type of encouragement you'll find in the book:
  • Take a look in the mirror an hour before your husband comes home to ensure that you are presentable. An hour allows ample time to hop into the shower if need be.
  • Go light on the perfume, but use great smelling soaps, shampoo, and antiperspirant so he’ll want to snuggle up for the evening.
  • If you wear makeup, put a little on before he walks in. Your goal is to look happy and radiant--not done up.
  • Dress in feminine clothing. Men are attracted to women, not fashion, so do your best to wear styles, fabrics and colors that remind him you’re a woman and not another one of the guys. Dress as well for him as you would for new friends.
  • Have all chores done before he walks in the door, and try to have things like the dishwasher and vacuum turned off.
  • Put aside your problems and be cheerful when he walks in the door.
  • Make your bed every morning so he has a comfortable place to rest at night or upon returning from work.
  • Ensure that the television and stereos are turned off so that the house is peaceful.
  • If the kids are excited about something, encourage them to wait about 15 minutes before they share their news.
  • Prepare dinner before he arrives. There’s nothing quite like the smell of home cooking when you walk in the door—especially when you’re cooking the food he likes.
  • Have the pots and pans washed ahead of time so that the kitchen is every bit as presentable as the meal.
  • If you have problems to deal with, wait until after dinner to spring it on him. Husbands are happier when their tummies are full.
  • Greet him at the door with open arms, a kiss, and a warm embrace.
  • Make an effort to look at him when he is speaking so that he has your full attention.
  • Close the computer if you’re on it, and if you’re chatting on the phone try to end the conversation and call her back later.
  • Have the children tidy up the front entrance when they arrive from school. Backpacks, jackets and gym bags make for an untidy greeting.
  • Do your best to have the house clean and organized at all times. He is working hard outside the home and needs home to be his haven of rest.
  • Don’t be angry if he’s working late, instead show appreciation for long hours put in.
  • Have the kids wash their faces, and change their clothing if they are soiled from play before Daddy comes home.
  • Don’t nag him or try to reshape his bad habits. Work on your own and practice acceptance at all times.
  • It is imperative that you defend your husband to your children and that they respect him at all times. Never allow them to grumble or complain about him whether he’s present or not.
  • Don’t compare him to other women’s husbands or to your father when it comes to your definition of a man. Love and respect go a lot farther than criticism ever will.

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