Infidelity in marriage is devastating and although most marriages can recover from an affair, the degree of recovery and speed is often dictated by the offender. If you want to save a marriage, help your spouse who cheated to change their behavior and restore trust in your relationship.
If you are the one who cheated, print this list out and refer to it often. It will give you the strength you need to change your actions and recommit to your marriage.
6 Tips to Save a Marriage and Rebuild Trust
Be Honest
Take Responsibility
Cut Ties
Be Open
Answer Honestly
Give them Time and Space as Needed
Be honest and upfront. The damage has already been done and continuing to lie will only compound the problem. You have the ability to set the tone and speed of reconciliation and it starts with being honest. Most likely your spouse has a general idea of what happened, but when they ask you a question answer it truthfully because it helps them to accept the situation that you put them in.
Take responsibility for your actions. The worst thing you can do is assign blame to anything or anyone but you. Own the mistake. When you own the mistake and are truly remorseful for your actions you create a climate where thoughts and feelings can be openly shared by both parties. This helps to increase the lines of communication which helps to re-establish trust and an emotional connection.
Cut all ties with the other person. After you've broken the trust between you and your spouse, you need to cut ties with the other man or woman. Your spouse will have a hard time trusting you again if you still keep that other person in your life. Now is the time to be sensitive to your spouse's feelings and by not cutting ties you send them mixed messages. You need to decide which relationship is most important to you; your marriage or the other one and your actions will speak volumes when it comes to saving your marriage.
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