Sunday, July 31, 2011

Catch a Cheating Spouse - How to Have an Affair

Do not be confused by the title. To have any chance to catch a cheating spouse, it is imperative you know the inner workings of how to have an affair. Warning, this is NOT a how-to on becoming a cheating spouse. The purpose here is to open your eyes to how transparent a cheating spouses activities can be and shut down their secret love affair.

Step 1: Assimilation

Once you have met that new lover, there is a tendency to mold yourself into what makes them the happiest. You will need to change your clothing styles, maybe a new hairstyle and even upgrade to a finer cologne or perfume. Do whateve r it takes to impress your dirty little secret. You probably fantasize about a extremely active sex life, so you better take on a new exercise regime as well.

Step 2: Center of Attention

Take all the time you need to think about your new flame. Nothing means more to you right now than them. You probably will be constantly anticipating your next encounter. Losing focus, daydreaming and forgetting to do normal daily routines will be expected, but since your cheating thoughts are more important, it's okay. If you have no desire to spend time with your spouse, that's okay too, they will understand when you tell them you "need some time to yourself". Staying late at work to "finish a project" also goes over well with your spouse - they will suspect nothing!

Step 3: Energy Conservation

This is very important. Since you are going into an affair that most likely revolves around the bed, you need to do whatever to conserve your energy stores. Brushing off your spouse's intimate advances, getting to bed earlier because you are "tired", and doing as little as possible around the house will surely prepare you for an energizing night with your new significant other.

Step 4: Communication

Keep in regular contact with your lover through your computer, or the phone. Pretending to surf the web for the latest news on global warming is a great cover when chatting with your flame. You might feel a bit anxious when your spouse nears your computer, but if you are quick, you should not have to worry. Phone logs can sometimes be a pain, s o I suggest you snap up your bills quickly - sometimes a spouse will wonder about phone numbers they don't recognize. A good cover is to explain you are calling a co-worker that is attending that out of town meeting you have coming up. Works every time!

There are additional steps to being a successful cheating spouse. You probably will be able to manage quite well with the information above. As you can see, there are red flags around each corner that will allow you to catch a cheating spouse. Gain valuable additional information that will put your spouse's affair to an end. Visit my website: http://catch-a-cheating-spouse-how-tos.blogsp

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