Though infidelity in marriage is viewed by many as intolerable act of betrayal, its still so prevalent in our society today. By far, sex outside marriage by both men and women has gone up in the last decade, and the trend will probably continue for years to come.
Surveys and infidelity statistics gathered over the years has constantly shown that both married men and women engage in extra marital affair at an alarming rate men more than women. Most of the surveys on this topic also suggest that younger married couples are more likely to be unfaithful to their spouse than do older and more established couples surprisingly younger married females engage in more sex outside marriage than their male counterpart.
On average, about 22% of married men and 14% of women adm itted to having had sex with someone other than their spouse. This number may not seem outrageously high, and its not; but you have to remember that the survey is based on people who admitted to infidelity. Conventional wisdom has it that more than 50% of married men and women will have extra marital affair at least once during their marriage. Its hard to believe but entirely true; because some people will deny having sex outside marriage even when they are caught in the act.
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