Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Emotional Infidelity - How Do You Define and How Do You Spot Emotional Infidelity?

How do you define emotional infidelity? It is an often pondered question by married couples having difficulties in their relationship. This can lead to temptations outside of the marriage. But what exactly is the difference between cheating, or infidelity, and not?

You may at this point be finding yourself arguing with your spouse over what the definition of infidelity really is. Did you know that cheating is not just a physical thing? Your spouse may be defensive over a relationship he or she is having with someone from work and won't allow themselves to be pinned down on the definition as they are contemplating having an affair or are already involved in one. Let's take a closer look at what infidelity really is€

Take this scenario for example: Your spouse has been getting more calls and texts than they usually receive. You find that it is from someone that they have been working closely with on a new project at work. You have not been getting the attention from them that you would like for some time now, and this new relationship simply makes matters worse for you. But is this cheating?

Emotional Infidelity First, you need to know thatyou do not have to be physically involved with someone to be cheating. There is also emotional infidelity. This occurs when a relationship that your spouse is having with another has intensified to the point that you are not getting the intimacy, emotionally or physically, from the marriage that is rightfully yours. If your spouse is sharing his or her innermost thoughts with them, then they are inflicting damage to the emotional connection between the two of you. This would be considered emotional infidelity.

Some signs to look for when trying to determine if indeed emotional or physical infidelity is occurring:

- Is the Relationship Transparent? Is the relationship your spouse is having with this other person open and transparent, or do you find that he or she is trying to conceal it from you? In their heart, most people know that having intimate conversations with someone other than their spouse is wrong and will typically try to keep that information from their spouse. If they are trying to keep the relationship hidden, that could be a sign of infidelity.

- Does Your Spouse Get Defensive? If when you ask them about the relationship, your spouse gets defensive or angry, this could be a sign of infidelity. Often acting angry or out of character is a means for the cheater to rationalize their affair or emotional infidelity.

- Does Your Spouse Seem to Want to Protect the Relationship at the Expense of Your Own? There are clearly times when your spouse has no say in who they are around (ie: work environment), but if they are obviously choosing to partake in the other relationship, even when it is clear it is causing damage to your own, then this is another sign of infidelity.

Emotional Infidelity is a tricky and often damaging occurrence. Whether you have experienced a cheating spouse or are afraid that it could occur, to restore the trust and save your marriage from divorce you need to download the 7€Part Survive an Affair course from Dr. Frank Gunzburg. Click here now for instant access:

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