Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to Prepare for Sickness

Weekly Contributor, Kim Brenneman

When a family is sick the house can quickly turn into a mess. It can be overwhelming and discouraging. When we get sick too it is hard to have the energy to deal with it all. It is very nice to know how to have a house prepared for illness. If the messes that can happen are prevented by our preparation ahead of time then we are able to rest and heal ourselves.

It’s easier to plan for sickness when you know what’s coming. For instance, the first trimester of pregnancy or post partum or if you know you’re prone to be put on bed rest. Some things you can see coming and try to prepare for. If you know you’ve been exposed to a bad bug, you can prepare for the worst. Best is to always have a plan to act on whether you know sickness might come or for when it blindsides you.
  • It helps to always have a well-stocked medicine cabinet, a variety of herbal teas, and essential oils for various illnesses. We love Gypsy Cold Care by Traditional Medicines. Throat Coat by Traditional Medicines is great for a sore throat. Peppermint essential oil is good for headaches, clearing the sinuses, and a drop in water or tea feels good on a sick tummy.
  • Keep your old towels tucked away for when the stomach flu hits, use them to protect the mattress, floor, layer the crib with, and to put over pillows. Many times over the years I have had multiple children lying on towels in the living room with a trash can beside each one. We listened to audio books and they slept on and off through the days. Audio seems to better than television, I think because the moving images upset the sick tummy. When a person is sick the noise of the TV is also more annoying than listening to an audio book.
  • For a child with a very upset tummy I make a “nest” in the bathroom beside the toilet. I will lay down an old comforter for softness and cover it with towels.
  • Always keep frozen homemade chicken broth in the freezer. That’s one of the big reasons I make chicken and broth every Kitchen Day. Chicken broth feels so good when you are sick. Serve it plain with sea salt for the stomach flu. Spice it up with pepper flakes for the head cold. Add lemon juice and coconut milk for a sore throat.
  • How to keep the house from getting trashed? Keep everything as restricted as possible. Keep yourself and all your sick trash, Kleenex, trash can, books, towels, tea cups, etc. in one place. Don’t move your “sick bed” around. Stay put. Assign other people to one spot also for their sickness. The well people must do the work and do no messy activities that would require lots of clean up. The basics are keeping the dishes up, the bathrooms clean, and the “sick laundry” caught up.
  • When people start to recover, they must start doing their chores as usual. Do them slow but at least do them. (This is where I went wrong last time we were sick. The people that were getting better started to get out all their messy activities and not pick them up. Legos, stuffed animals, art supplies, toy farm animals, magazines and books were spread everywhere.)
  • Your family also needs to be prepared, “When we get sick, this is proper protocol…” and then keep your list of “proper protocol” in your Home Management Book or posted inside a cupboard door for a reference point.
  • Simply having a Home Management Book with your routines and every little detail of what you should do next during your days is helpful. When your brain is in a fog you can simply look at the book and it will tell you what the next thing is. It helps you know what to do without thinking. Even with low energy and frequent breaks, keep doing the next thing. If you don’t have a Home Management Book to tell you what to do then you can have a lot of real mental anxiety looking around at all the mess.
  • Your daily schedule should be posted big and bold. When your children are off their routine you can take them to the chart and tell them where they should be and what they should be doing. If you don’t have one up then they will continue to flounder about until they get caught up in a project which may or may not be helpful to life under control.
  • You may need to take a day of extra housecleaning to get things back up to snuff or an extra laundry day. Cancel or shorten your Town Day or Office Day to make room for extra cleaning and laundry.

The best preparation for being sick is to simply have your household systems running smoothly so that things don’t completely fall off the track and are easy to get up and running again. Being sick is messy business but with some forethought you can be prepared.


Kim Brenneman

Kim is the joyful wife of Matt and the blessed mother of nine children.

When not busy homeschooling and farmschooling, she enjoys writing, gardening, cooking, reading, sewing, and crafting.

Kim lives on a farm in Iowa where her family grows beef cattle, corn and beans, and operates a micro-dairy selling cheese at farmer’s markets. She loves to write and speak about her passion for home and family. She is the author of Large Family Logistics: The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family. She blogs about the same subject at:

If you'd like to leave a comment, visit Time-Warp Wife on facebook: Click here

And you can also find Kim on facebook too: Large Family Logistics

If you would like to have Time-Warp Wife delivered to your inbox daily, simply click here: Subscribe to Time-Warp Wife

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why I can`t attract guys?

5 Common Myths About Why You Can't Attract Guys! Read This Before It's Too Late!
5 Common Myths About Why You Can't Attract Guys! Read This Before It's Too Late!
By Savanna Lewis
Many women like to put the blame on guys for why they are still single. They come up with the most absurd excuses like "guys are scared to approach me" or "guys don't want to have a relationship with me because I make more money than them." The truth is that women need a way of justifying why they are still single, and they come up with rationalizations like these to try to make themselves better. Unfortunately, these excuses end up helping nobody, and it's best for you to learn about them yourself before it ends up being too late.
Myth #1
Some women think that men avoid getting involved in a relationship with them because they are earning more than guys. This is actually far from the truth. I know a number of couples with whom the woman is earning more than the man. I even have a friend who is making all the money for her household because her husband got laid off and doesn't have a job. Men are not closed-minded about being in a relationship with a girl just because she earns more than him. As long as he is getting the respect he deserves and feels important to you or to the family, money doesn't matter.
Myth #2
Men don't like women who talk about their success. It's not true, but many women believe it. The fact of the matter is that men don't like women who start bragging about their income, job, or car the moment they introduce themselves. It's not that men mind women who have these things, but just that men don't like women whose lives revolve around these things because it makes them come across as egotistic. If he learns about these things over time instead of you telling him immediately, he will be more impressed.
Myth #3
The next myth is that men are too intimidated to approach you. Sure, many men are intimidated by certain women, but the only reason for this is because the women are putting up a cold front. They can tell just by observing her that she's got an attitude. Men don't want to go up to a girl and get blown off. They would much rather approach a woman who smiles, laughs, and seems friendly.
Myth #4
A lot of girls will claim that they are still single because there are no "good" guys left. The truth is that these girls have set such stringent requirements on what kind of guys they will date that their dating pool is severely restricted. For example, they will only date guys who have a prestigious degree, a certain income level, great looks, and a big house. By doing so, they end up looking over the vast majority of guys and end up overlooking most of the "good" guys.
Myth #5
Another big misconception women have about guys is that they assume that any guy who gets married to a financially successful and independent woman is lazy and just wants someone to take care of him. The reality is that it is human nature for guys to want to be independent. If a guy is not independent and still relies on someone else to take care of him financially when he's older, he doesn't feel fulfilled. Notice the number of single women with children and absentee fathers. Men do not want a relationship just so they can have someone to take care of them.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Most women who have problems in their relationship or dating lives are too lazy to take action and end up lonely and miserable for the rest of their lives. If you do not take action now, your situation will probably never improve! For a limited time only, I will be offering FREE help and advice to anyone who sends me questions regarding their dating and relationship issues! Just shoot me an email at and I will help you solve your problems once and for all!
Article Source:!-Read-This-Before-Its-Too-Late!&id=6900999

Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know

Dirty Tricks Women Use To Keep You In Their Trap - Here's Something You Never Knew About Women

Dirty Tricks Women Use To Keep You In Their Trap - Here's Something You Never Knew About Women
By Pushpa Pal Singh
Have you ever felt a strong emotional attachment towards a certain girl? Even though you know that she is not that good and all but still you can't seem to stop thinking about her? And once in a while she's the reason why you are mad? You see if this is your case than you are probably being played by women as women do many things on purpose and men don't even realize that they are being played. Read on to discover the dirty tricks women use to play men and discover this stunning new discover which you never knew before...
She would praise other guys around you- Now this is one trap no guy can escape. You see women use this to play mind games with you and they make you jealous on a purpose. You see when she talks about other guys around you, you would instantly start feeling some what neglected and this feeling would make you feel a big depressed and at the same time your ego would urge you to get your respect back which never happens.
She would make you feel that she is about to leave you- This is another dirty trick most women use to keep you in their trap. You see they would always give you indications that they will leave you if you don't do such and such. You see this is about common human psychology. No one likes rejection and in the quest to escape rejection you end up doing what she wants you to do.
Plays too hard to get- What happens when something becomes hard for you to get? Well you try harder and this is what women do by playing too hard to get. It is basically your job to control your emotions and do the exact opposite of what she expects.
What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know
Article Source:

Monday, February 27, 2012

How to Teach Our Daughters ~ And a Titus 2sday Linkup!

We need to teach our daughters
to distinguish between:

A man who flatters her
and a man who compliments her.

A man who spends money on her
and a man who invests in her.

A man who views her as property
and a man who views her properly.

A man who lusts after her
and a man who loves her.

A man who believes he is God’s gift to women
and a man who remembers a woman was God’s gift to man.

And then teach our boys to be that kind of man.

~ Author Unknown

Note: I have just added FOUR extra chapters (56 pages) to "The Good Wife's Guide!" And the paperback version is coming out in a couple of weeks! 

P.S. If you have purchased the eBook and would like an updated copy, please email me. This is only for readers who have previously purchased the eBook. 

If you'd like to leave a comment, visit Time-Warp Wife on facebook. It's a great source of fun and fellowship!!

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Today and every Tuesday, I want to invite bloggers to link-up any blog posts that will encourage women to joyfully live out their roles as wives and keepers of their homes I'm looking for posts on marriage, parenting, housekeeping, or recipes.

1. Enter the direct link from your post into the linky tool below!

2. Please link back here with the {TITUS 2}SDAYS code (below) so that other bloggers can join in too!

3. Enjoy each other's fellowship, and have fun!

Can I use an old post, or do I need to use a current one?
You can absolutely use an older post if you feel that the post is a great fit for this meme. Have fun!

Good Wife's Guide

"The Good Wife's Guide" eBook $2.99
By Darlene Schacht 
with foreword by Candace Cameron Bure


Click the "Buy Now" button below:

Buy Now

Book Description:

In The Good Wife's Guide author Darlene Schacht encourages women to joyfully serve their families. In doing so she offers reasons for achieving a well-managed home backed by scripture and gleaned from experience. As well she provides readers with detailed cleaning and organizing schedules for practical application.

The Good Wife's Guide encourages women to make faith and family their first priorities from a place of sacrificial love. It reminds women that they were created with a specific purpose in mind, which is that of being a help meet. In supporting our husbands and living in unity we reflect God's blueprint for marriage.

About the Author: 

Darlene Schacht is an ordinary mom, living an extraordinary life, because of who she is through Jesus Christ. As help-meet to her husband Michael, she guides and nurtures their four children, leading them toward a deeper walk of faith.

Her work has been published in anthologies by Thomas Nelson, Tyndale Publishing and Adams Media. As well she has co-authored a book with actress Candace Cameron Bure, the award-winning and New York Times Best-Seller, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Spiritual and Physical Fitness.


eBook: 154 210 pages
Publisher: Time-Warp Wife Ministries
Language: English
Price: $2.99

Table of Contents: 

Foreword by Candace Cameron Bure

Part 1:
The Good Wife’s Guide
Learning to Manage Ourselves
Being Selfish is Not Okay
Group Your Life Inventory
Time Well Spent
My Desire for Curb Appeal
Domestically Challenged
What Will They  Take Away?
Repetition, Pattern, Order
Laughing Over Spilt Milk
Biblical Submission Defined
No Need of Spoil
Living in Unity
The Treasure of Your Heart
Enhance Your Inner Beauty
Love and Let Go

Part 2:
Toss Out 25 Things
Organizing Your Home
Housekeeping Schedule
Deep Clean Your Kitchen  in 5 Days
Deep Clean Your Bedroom
Deep Clean Your Bathroom

About the Author


"Being a woman is a powerful role that God has called each of us to, and I love the ways in which Darlene helps us focus on those priorities and live out our desire to be 'The Good Wife.'" - Candace Cameron BureActress, NYT Best-Selling Author

"The Good Wife's Guide is superb! Darlene's Biblical and practical approach leads readers from the ideal to reality. Her real life examples, practical applications, helpful lists and tips will inspire you not just to be a Good Wife but a Godly wife!" ~ Courtney JosephWomen Living Well Ministries

"I found myself being convicted, encouraged and motivated all at once! I was highly impressed by this great little ebook and I highly recommend it. I know I will be returning to reread it in the future!" ~ AshleyStay-At-Home Daughter

"In this book, you won't find vague ideas but truth that will help you to set priorities straight and embrace your calling. Darlene does not sugar coat the truth but rather presents it in a way that is refreshing in a culture that waters down the Biblical roles of women." ~ Ashlie O.One Small Town Girl

"The second part of the book I NEEDED the most, it tackles organizing our homes, creating a housekeeping schedule, deep cleaning schedule through out the home and so much more." ~ Sonya SchroederBecoming a Strong Woman of God

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. ~ Proverbs 31:10"

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

If Life Gets Too Hard to Stand, Kneel

(Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, Image Source Unknown)

It was God's way of whispering, "I want to spend this moment with you."

I knew exactly what that whisper meant as my mind traveled back a few weeks to an evening of loneliness when all I could do was drive, and pray, and wipe the tears from my cheeks.

Not a wound waiting to be healed. Not a space needing to be filled. A gift. A gift of alone time spent with my Lord. The gift itself wasn't the answer to prayer that came in the morning, confirming that He heard my hearts cry. No--it was that moment when my spirit of weakness was laid in His hands.
As Christians, we are called to convert our loneliness into solitude. We are called to experience our aloneness not as a wound but as a gift--as God's gift--so that in our aloneness we might discover how deeply we are loved by God. ~ Henri Nouwen

Every once in a while we find ourselves emotionally stripped, as all that life holds is swept away. We find ourselves kneeling at the feet of our Lord, grateful that He's there--His spirit a balm to our weary soul.

There have been times that I've felt this throughout my life, and like this time, each one has brought me a little closer to my Lord.

I pulled up in the driveway, and just before I stepped out of the car, the same feelings of loneliness crept up for a second--just a wee second--before a smile spread over my face.

"Your grace is sufficient for me Lord," I whispered to Him, "Thanks for this moment with You."
But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Shout Outs:

Thank you to "The Cozy Nook" for blessing me with a great review of The Good Wife's Guide eBook!

Also thank you to "Blessed Beyond Measure" for another awesome review.
Visit Blessed Beyond Measure and enter to win a copy!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friday Five: Featuring Five Favorites from Around the Web

Here are my pics for this week from around the web:

1. A Biblical Portrait of Womanhood

This is a beautiful article from Raising Mighty Arrows, written by Kristi Howard:

What is "real" womanhood?
I find our culture in a sad state of confusion over the role and duty and demeanor of Womankind.
Is clothing meant to cover- or cajole?
Are men protectors- or predators?
Is home life a burden- or a blessing?


Rachel Lee Carter teaches women that real beauty radiates from within and that you don't have to dress drab to be modest. I have read several of her articles and love her heart for Jesus!

Here is a link to her site: Modeling Christ

On a similar note, one of my new sponsors (found in the left-hand sidebar) is:

"The Modest Mom: Combining Femininity with Fashion." If you like modest fashion, you might want to click through and see what products they have!

3. Love this Image from Pinterest!

Image Source Unknown

4. Karen Ehman: Live Your Priorities. Love Your Life.

Karen Ehman is the Director of the Proverbs 31 Ministries national speaking team and is a contributor to Focus on the Family's magazine Thriving Family. She has been described as profoundly practical, engagingly funny and downright real. Her passion is to provide women, wives and mothers with creative tools and doable ideas to help them both simplify life and glorify God.

This past year I've been getting to know Karen, and I couldn't agree more. Her blog is faith-focused while at the same time she's fun. I love this girl!

5. Being Intentional With Your Words

Angela from Good Morning Girls shared at post at The Better Mom called, "Being Intentional With Your Words." It's a great reminder of how our words can bless our children and that they crave them every bit as much as we do. Read the article here.

Visit Angela's blog: Good Morning Girls. Click on the photo to read the article at The Better Mom.

You are loved by an almighty God,


If you'd like to leave a comment, visit Time-Warp Wife on facebook: Click here

If you would like to have Time-Warp Wife delivered to your inbox daily, simply click here: Subscribe to Time-Warp Wife

Thank You!

My new eBook, The Good Wife's Guide is the #1 Top rated book in it's category at Amazon! I know that this is only due to God's grace and your continued support. So thank YOU so very much.

If you have enjoyed the book, please consider posting a review at Amazon.

Read a recent review from Noble Women For Christ.
And a 3 Book Giveaway from Proverbial Homemaker (Friday Feb. 24th only)

You are loved by an almighty God,


If you'd like to leave a comment, visit Time-Warp Wife on facebook: Click here

If you would like to have Time-Warp Wife delivered to your inbox daily, simply click here: Subscribe to Time-Warp Wife

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Five Fun Steps for Paper Organization

Image from
Weekly contributor, Kim Brenneman

I truly appreciate that we are becoming a paperless society. Every time I get the option for auto-paying the bills I take it. I like to get my receipts via email rather than more paper in the mailbox. But, I still have paper piles. Mostly because we have a fun rule at our house: each child has a day of the week assigned to them for special privileges and one of those privileges is getting the mail. That “special” child gets to look at the mail first. This rule is supposed to eliminate fighting but we do have to clarify some days what day of the week it is and who rightfully gets the fresh magazine.

If I’m not close by the mail gets dumped in a pile on my desk. That’s not a good thing for my desk. But it is good that the child is not sorting the mail over the trash can.

If you have paper pile troubles here is how we take care of paper, especially if I’m around when the paper comes into the house.
  1. Assign a child to get the mail. This is a fun “grown-up” task to do. There is some hidden learning in this job. Sort the mail with the child and they learn to not fall for advertising. They want to know why you are throwing away the junk mail, why you aren’t entering a sweepstakes, what credit card junk mail is and why we don’t want credit cards. It is important of course that the child knows that only mom or dad get to throw away mail because sometimes important things appear to be junk mail.
  2. I already alluded to it and it is very important in eliminating paper clutter. Sort the mail over the trash can. Immediately throw away the junk mail. Get it out of the house. Try to only handle mail one time and by sorting the trash out immediately you aren’t wasting time by sorting through a pile later on. If you’ve ever had to sort through a pile of junk mixed with important things you will know how freeing it is to just throw away the junk immediately. Freeing is fun!
  3. Do you have a location for bills that need paid? Clean out a desk drawer, have a special file, basket, or box for them. The important thing is that you have a location for the bills. When the mail comes in the house put the bills in that place right away. If your daily schedule allows, you could assign a certain time period for the mail coming in, mail sorting, bill paying, and filing. If you pay the bills immediately when they come in the mail, you never get a late fee for forgotten things. Personally, I have a day of the week that I use for bill paying and other home office tasks. Do what works for you—the important thing is to just do it. A friend of mine told me that her father taught his children, and even his children’s friends, a handful of “life rules” said like a mantra at the supper table. One of the rules was “Pay all of your bills the first of every month”. Know where your bills are and pay them. Paid bills are liberating.
         Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
  4. Some papers need to be kept around for awhile thus you need to file. Do you have piles? Remember I mentioned above that my children will put the mail on my desk if I’m not around? Not fun for me. When I have a big pile to sort I make it more enjoyable by putting on some music, getting some chocolate and a cup of tea around and then dedicate some time to getting through the pile. It is no longer a dreaded chore but a pleasant and freeing interlude in my day. Everything is better with chocolate.
  5. Make your paper management pretty. Or cool. Or dreamy. Or whatever your style is. If it’s fun to look at you’ll take care of it. If it’s ugly, you’ll want to avoid it. The other day in the local big box store I saw some cute and clever office organization tools. This morning a friend had pinned on Pinterest a cute mail holder made out of a recycled house shutter. I looked around some more on Pinterest and I saw wire baskets, reed baskets, and fabric covered wood boxes that people use for office organization. Be fun and creative with your home office and how you deal with your paper filing tasks.
Be fun and creative with the necessary tasks of life. Paper is part of life, instead of looking at the piles as though they were the enemy, see them as an excuse to eat a bit of chocolate, drink some tea, and listen to some uplifting music.

Image from

Kim Brenneman

Kim is the joyful wife of Matt and the blessed mother of nine children.

When not busy homeschooling and farmschooling, she enjoys writing, gardening, cooking, reading, sewing, and crafting.

Kim lives on a farm in Iowa where her family grows beef cattle, corn and beans, and operates a micro-dairy selling cheese at farmer’s markets. She loves to write and speak about her passion for home and family. She is the author of Large Family Logistics: The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family. She blogs about the same subject at:

If you'd like to leave a comment, visit Time-Warp Wife on facebook: Click here

And you can also find Kim on facebook too: Large Family Logistics

If you would like to have Time-Warp Wife delivered to your inbox daily, simply click here: Subscribe to Time-Warp Wife

Hey - I'm over at Roo Mag today sharing, 
"3 Ways to Change Bad Eating Habits"

Linking up with:

Online Separation, Divorce, & Family Law Resources

Photo used under Creative Commons from davidrossharris

 by Nigel Lawson

If you are at the beginning stages of filing for legal separation or divorce, you may have many questions about the divorce process, child support, and custody issues.  Luckily, The Divorce Dudes Club has developed a new blog page providing online Separation, Divorce, & Family Law resources to assist you.  This important online resource is listed by state and links you to official state and county court resources, state bar association sites, and state and county self-help center websites to help answer your questions. 

To access these resources, simply click the button at the top of the blog entitled "Separation, Divorce, & Family Law Resources."  We, at The Divorce Dudes Club strive to ease the stress of separation and divorce on all members of your family.  We hope you find our resource links useful.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Submission Pt. 2 - Readers Chime In! And a Titus 2sday Linkup!

After I posted an article on submission and the equality of men and women yesterday, we had an interesting dialogue going on in the Time-Warp Wife facebook group. As usual, the women there were full of encouragement and wisdom. (I'm always blessed by you!) I've decided to pull out some of your thought provoking comments and questions to share on the blog. Thanks, ladies!

Natalie Writes:
Being born in 1980, I had NEVER thought of biblical submission or my role in the marriage, due to the absolute absorption of the feminist movement. After reading about it, and now doing an in-depth study, I see how important it is to embrace. It is why we were created and only endears me further to my husband, when I am allowing him to be the man that he was created to be.

Sarah Writes:
Interesting how in a society that advocates women's CHOICE, when a woman makes the CHOICE to submit to her husband she is condemned as a heretic! In my opinion, while the husband has the power and control the wife's role is just as hard if not harder because as a woman most of us have trouble with our tongues (I know I do!) And yet learning to hold back my comments and complaints in order to submit is very difficult!

Wonderful article, thank you for sharing!

Estella Writes:
Submission is not biblically a green light for abuse, it is an instruction regarding relationships with God as Father, Lord, Creator, etc.. first then the male, female, and children for the inner family then you add the extended family from there. Submission is not hard when it is alignment with God's instructions and laws. Submission is only hard when there is foundational disagreement or abuse. To heal relationships, we all have to seek God for His grace, mercy, peace, and love while we are instructed to forgive so that we can be forgiven. Forgiveness like submission is not a control or abuse issue but rather a benefit from healthy relationships.

Ruth Asks:
But what do u do when your hubby doesn't have a clue about how to be a husband?

Cadi Writes:
You pray for him. have you read The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian? I highly recommended reading. Of course, all we need to know, really, has been laid out for us in scripture, but this book is great for the situations and dynamics of modern day marriage.

Tammy (Kingdom Housewifes) Writes:
Agree with Cadi... prayer is powerful! When we pray for our husband's it draws us closer to God and to our spouse. I have also found that when I pray for my husband/our marriage...the Holy Spirit draws me to take inventory of myself. Sometimes, it's not easy but the end result... growing more Christ-like. :)

Torrie (Blessed Beyond Measure) Writes:
I too agree with Tammy & Cadi. The best thing you can do for your self, your husband and your marriage is pray without ceasing. I've learned recently that it's my job to follow what God asks of me through his Word. It's HIS job to change my heart and my husband's heart. Only God, through the Holy Spirit, can change a heart.

Beautiful Mommy Feet Writes:
This is an area of my life that the Lord is plaguing me and I am SO glad He is :) I never realized how much I struggle with this. I was listening to a sermon last night while waiting for the hubs to get home - random sermon selection and it was also on submission, go figure, so was Sunday School and the sermon yesterday... ha, yeah.

But Chip Ingrim was talking about the culture from when 1 Peter 3 was written (how to "win" your husband to the Lord) and it was when every culture looked down on women, forced submission, when women were owned like cattle. For a woman to trust Christ without her husband being the first to make a move was almost suicide.

God in His creation of how things work - our job is to show God our LOVE for HIM by our love for others, which is hardest and more refined in us when that love/respect has to be shown to an unloving, unwise spouse who is not fulfilling his biblical duties as a husband.

But How dare I hold my husband to those standards if I myself am not abiding by the womans role.

(BTW I married an amazing man, he's the one that married a challenge) but it has been by me seeing Christ in his life and humility in his walk that has shown me how imperfect I am.

Jenn Writes:
My marriage was healed and restored and actually made more than I could have ever imagined by trusting God at His Word and doing my part... regardless of what my husband did or didn't do. Did it seem logical or fair? No. I will say that I shudder to think of missing all of this blessing by not taken that first step in faith. I second Stormy's book. That and another book really helped me out, and showed me a different perspective! Yes, we have the Bible first and foremost but without having seen that lived out in life and being a brand new Christian, these books served as a "mentor" of sorts to me, and showed me examples in a practical way of biblical principles.

Meredith Writes:
As a pastor's wife who doesn't quite fit the stereotypical mode for our calling, I have wrestled with the issue of submission based on my rebel-tendencies alone! BUT I WILL say that when our husbands our honoring God and obeying the charge to them to love us as Christ loves the church, the submission just happens naturally and beautifully. Submission changes things, and it's not a dirty 10-letter word ;)

Tabby Asks: (from the wall at "A Simple Country Life)
Honest to goodness question; How do we submit to our husband if he is the submissive personality in our relationship? My whole life (pre-religion & now) I have had a more dominate, take-charge personality. That's a big part of what my husband was attracted to. He has a more laid-back, submissive personality. He has told me many, many times he would much rather have me tell him what to do around the house or with the cars or the kids etc. (that makes it sound like HE'S the homemaker not me, but that's not how it is) than try to do any of it on his own. He attributes a lot of it to a military career where decisions are made FOR him much more frequently than BY him. The point is, in reference to this very scriptural idea, he has told me outright he couldn't live with me being submissive to him the way he understands it (he grew up with religion, so he has a better concept than I do).

My Answer:
I think that the fact that you are respecting HIS wishes for the way that your family is run is submitting. Sounds like you're marriage is functioning well. Submission isn't about how many loads of laundry we do or the fact that he does the paper work while we do the dishes, it's more about living in harmony without having to be "right." It's about willing to take the first step to reconciliation. It's about submission of one heart to another. When we teach our children that it's more blessed to give than to receive, to love our neighbour as ourself, or to walk away from a fight, we are teaching them the art of submitting one to another--the way that it should be. That's best way to love!

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Visit Proverbial Homemaker for your chance to win a copy of The Good Wife's Guide.

Today and every Tuesday, I want to invite bloggers to link-up any blog posts that will encourage women to joyfully live out their roles as wives and keepers of their homes I'm looking for posts on marriage, parenting, housekeeping, or recipes.

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3. Enjoy each other's fellowship, and have fun!

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Beauty of Gifts that Differ one From Another

I watch this, and I'm warmly reminded of the scriptures, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6&11:

"Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all...But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."

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You are loved by an almighty God,


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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friday Five: Featuring 5 Favorites from Around The Web

Since there are a lot of websites, bloggers, videos, images, giveaways, eBooks, and authors from around the web that inspire me, I'd love to share a few of them with you. So I got to thinking... why not five a week? And why not Fridays?

To start off I'm going to share five random things that have recently caught my attention:

1. Homeschool Giveaways and Freebies: 

Click on the image to visit their site
Homeschool Giveaways is another homeschool website owned by the family who runs:
Hearts at Home Curriculum  and

Here's what they say:

After launching two homeschool related websites, it was determined that what homeschoolers like best is freebies and giveaways! The purpose of Homeschool Giveaways is to introduce homeschoolers to various curricula they may not be familiar with or have been unable to purchase, through giveaways. 

I'm not a homeschooling mom anymore :'( but I know that many of my readers are, and so this is definitely one that I wanted to share with you!!

2. Ungrind: Churning out Encouragement for Women

Click on the Image to Go to Their Site
First of all, the girl drinking this cup of coffee looks exactly like my BFF, which is totally heart-warming to me. I love seeing that image. But more importantly I love the encouragement that this website offers!

Here's a bit from their welcome page:

Let’s face it, as 20- and 30-something women, sometimes the daily grind of life leaves us discouraged. We desire to effectively serve God, our families, and our communities, but we often feel like we aren’t doing enough. Well enough. We find ourselves in desperate need of a word in due season...

When you read the articles here, may you be encouraged to press on and daily seek, as Colossians 1:10 says, “to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of Him.”

So pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and take a moment to Ungrind.

I've been enjoying their articles and interviews, but what I'm especially excited about is that they will be hosting a book club in the near future, featuring  Reshaping it All!! 

3. Love this image from Pinterest!

I happened upon this image the other day when I was browsing Pinterest, and was taken in by the beauty. I absolutely love every thing about it!!

4. Ruth Schwenke Can Sing!

My friend Ruth from The Better Mom put a video on YouTube the other day. I was blown away by her talent! Ruth is the one on the left.

Mary from facebook said, "That just blew my spirit right to His throne room!" I agree! 

5. Grandma Ruth's Lasagna! 

I'm always, ALWAYS on the lookout for a great lasagna recipe, so when I came across this one from Janelle of Comfy in the Kitchen, I knew that I definitely want to try it soon!

Janelle lives in Ohio, and I live in Canada so it was an incredible surprise to me when I received her cooking in the mail one day! She baked my family a batch of her cookies and no surprise to me--they were awesome. How sweet is that?!

Janelle is at Women Living Well today, sharing one of her favorite family recipes… Grandma Ruth’s Lasagna! Janelle says that it tastes great for left overs and freezes well too! Yum!!

And that's my "Friday Five" this week. Hope you liked it!!

You are loved by an almighty God,


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Three of the Most Important Words a Parent Could Say to their Child!

Dance WITH Me!

Guest contributor Gina from Keepin' it Real

We want them to learn howto obey,  to share,  to be kind,  to love others, to be humble to be pure,  to be grateful, to build up, and encourage others!

We want them to learn how to:  to serveto show grace,  to work hard,  to be responsible and to not be lazy!

We want them to:  follow God depend on God,  trust in God,  have faith in God,  and love God!

We want them to:  be content with what they are given,  learn to love God's word,  grow in their walk with God,  be careful with what they watch be careful where they go,  be careful with what they read.

We want them to learn the "dance of life"....a life lived for God.

We can TELL them about the dance...

We can TELL them they need to obey, share, be kind, love others, be humble, be pure, and to be grateful. We can TELL them to build up and encourage others, to serve, to show grace, to work hard, be responsible, and to not be lazy. We can TELL them to follow, depend on, trust in, have faith in and love God. We can TELL them to be content with what they are given. We can TELL them they need to learn to love God's word and grow in their walk with Him. We can TELL them to be careful what they watch, where they go, and what they read.

Are WE dancing the "dance of life"?... a life lived for God? 
Will they learn the dance by watching us? By following in our steps?
  • Are WE living lives that are characterized by obedience? Do WE reach out to others, not showing favoritism, and serve them by sharing the gifts God has loaned us? Do WE love others with a humble heart, seeing them as more important than ourselves? Do WE seek to encourage and build others up, and show others the same grace WE have been shown?
  • Are WE grateful people? Are WE content with the home we have...the car we have...the husband we have? Are WE hard workers, doing more than what is required of us, and doing all that we do for the glory of God? Are WE lazy? Are WE good stewards of the bodies, time, and possessions that have been given to us?
  • Are WE following God, depending on and trusting in Him to meet all of our needs? Even in a time of financial crisis? Do WE love God? Are WE growing in our walk with Him? Are WE faithful to spend time in His Word, and can other's tell we have spent time with Him by how we speak, by our attitudes, by how we respond and react to life's circumstances? Are WE careful about where we go, what we watch (even when we are alone) and who our companions are?
The dance steps: 1-2-3...1-2-3...1-2-3
  1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
  2. Teach His words diligently, talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
  3. Bind His words as a sign on our hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 11)
Learn the dance....
Live the dance...
Teach, talk, and dance the dance.

Make the dance a part of who you are!  If they can see the dance, it will be easier for them to learn it! And then you will be able to extend your hand to them and ask them to join you! You will be able to say, "Dance WITH me!"

Oh! The joy on that day when your children have learned the "dance of life"...a life lived for God. When they tell you that you taught them the steps. And when you extend your hand and they join you in the dance! Oh! What joy!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.3 John 1:4

Keepin' it Real,


Gina has been married to Brian for 23 years. Brian is a faculty member, and they both serve as deans at a Christian college. She and her family live on the college campus and work with the resident students. She has two children, Brianna (age 21) and Caleb (age 18) who are now both in college. In her spare time Gina writes and seeks to encourage women of all ages, through articles and by living life with them as much as possible! You can find her at her personal blog: "Keepin' it Real,"at "The Internet Cafe," "MomLife Today" "Roo Mag," and featured in several issues of "Best of Life" magazine.

Contact Gina through her website: Keepin' it Real

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