Drawn from my archives
More and more often I'm hearing stories about women who are drawn away by their lust through facebook and text messaging. Social networking is a temptation that many wives are facing today and this trend needs to be addressed.
Not only is it a looming temptation to flirt--it’s also an escape from reality. This quick 'n easy access to infidelity is something we’ve never experienced before in history. We are just one click away from flirting at any moment of the day in the privacy of our own home. All one has to do is walk away from the laundry and within ten minutes she can be on a virtual date with her ex. How easy is that? Unfortunately it's too easy, which is why the internet is a dangerous tool that needs to be handled with caution.
of the light consists in all goodness,
righteousness and truth) and find
out what pleases the Lord. Have
nothing to do with the fruitless deeds
of darkness, but rather expose them.
It is shameful even to mention what
the disobedient do in secret.
But everything exposed by the light
becomes visible—and everything
that is illuminated becomes a light.
~ Ephesians 5:8b-12, NIV
Imagine having an ugly fight with your husband, and you storm out of the room to cool off. You turn on your facebook, and what do you see? You might see an ad with an incredibly handsome man that's waiting to talk to you "right now." Or you might see the little green dot that signifies a certain man is online.
The problem with situations like this is that your husband has a home-team {dis}advantage. Because you live with him every day, you see his bad side as well as his good. You've seen him through sickness and health. You've witnessed his grandest of smiles, and you've seen the way his face turns cold in the heat of an argument. You can't compare that to the picture-perfect profiles you find on the net.
The more serious issue we're facing is that when you engage in private conversation on the net, you're exposing yourself to a situation that could easily lead to temptation by both parties involved.
It’s important to be aware of the risks and honor our vows enough to set boundaries before we are drawn into situations that our Lord would consider indecent.
Note that I said "our Lord" there--not our friends. It's important that we resist the urge to go with the flow when it comes to our lives. As of 2008 is was reported that 40% of all marriages had ended in divorce (Wikipedia). That's what the "flow" has to offer. God offers us a 100% success rate when both a husband and wife honor their vows to love honor and cherish one another until death do them part.
What are those boundaries, and where should they be set? Those are your choices to make. It might mean removing men from your friend's list or it could be a matter of keeping yourself marked out of chat. For another it might work best to have a joint facebook account with your spouse. Really the boundaries depend on where your weaknesses lie and what might cause you to stumble.
Bottom line is that we need to be careful, and seek God to fulfill our desires--not man. When our eyes are fixed on the Father and His will for our life, we are apt to make better choices in those quiet moments when temptation sets in. Stay in prayer, keep reading the word, and live a noble life so that God will not only be glorified in our marriage, but that your illumination will be a shining light in this dark world.
as unwise but as wise, making the most
of every opportunity, because the days
are evil. Therefore do not be foolish,
but understand what the Lord’s will is.
~ Ephesians 5:15-17
You are loved by an almighty God,
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