Friday, August 12, 2011

Making Marriage Work Through A Betrayal

When an American really takes a look at our leaders they will see a lot of infidelity in marriages. It seems like actors, sport stars and even politician are always making headlines about extra-marrital affairs. What happens when it is not someone in Hollywood who is dealing with a cheating spouse, but just an average ordinary American. Can the marriage be saved? The answer is yes, any marriage can be saved if both the partners are committed to making a change in their marriage.

The first thing for the cheating spouse to realize, is that their trust is gone. It was shattered the minute they stepped outside the marriages. There are lot of things that spouse that was cheated on must now deal with, before they can move forward. The betrayed spouse will need to feel with so many emotions. Emotions are just a small part of the heeling process. They may feel anger, resentment and abandonment. They need to learn how to manage these feelings. The spouse who was betrayed may also feel resentment towards friends and family, especially if these people knew what was going on. Being able to face the people who know about the affair is a large step forward. It is through small steps that the couple can move toward Making Marriage Work.

It is not easy to move forward past an affair. Although, it can be done, successfully. Learning from one another and being able to understand how the other sex views relationships, will aid inMaking Marriage Work. It may also lay the groundwork for understanding why the affair happened in the first place. If the couple feels as if they really need a marriage counselor, they need the knowledge on how to pick the right one. The wrong marriage counselor will only lead to more confusion and heartbreak. There is nothing easy about bringing a marriage back from the brink of disaster. With love, understanding and compassion it can be done. Handled correctly it may even become something that causes the marriage to strengthen. If the couple learns from mistakes and changes the direction that the marriage is going in.

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