Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dealing With Infidelity - Do You Ever Get Over an Affair?

If you are in the throes of dealing with infidelity in your marriage, you may be wondering if you'll ever get to a point of having a healthy, loving relationship or is your relationship doomed for good. You will never forget the affair, it will always be a part of your history, but with time and commitment to rebuilding the marriage, not just time alone, time together, you can survive the affair.

If you are in a position of working to survive infidelity, and your cheating spouse is committed and willing to do the necessary work of rebuilding your marriage, then you will move past this setback and get to a place where you two are emotionally and physically connected again. But first you need to have a basic understanding of what steps will help you to rea ch that goal.

When you think of getting over the affair, consider how willing your spouse is to be transparent and completely honest with you. Ask yourself:
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