Warning to all those healing from infidelity in Christian marriages!! Recovering from affairs is the most difficult thing you are ever going to go through, but don't allow yourself to become embittered! We cannot let our anger run our lives and tell us what decisions to make. We must learn to control our anger and we must learn to let go of our anger.
We all must learn that when we are healing from infidelity in Christian marriages that we must process all our horrible pain in a way that is healthy. It's bad enough that at the present moment we have been destroyed, but we cannot allow our spouse's to take away our future by letting this experience turn us into bitter and negative people that no one will want to be around.
When we are recovering from infidelity in Christian marriages we must work hard at educating ourselves with seminars, books, support groups and counseling. We can't sweep all this under the rug and just pretend it never happened. We have to learn to grieve, we have to learn how to be angry and then we must learn how to forgive, gain a new understanding and accept that the affair really happened. We must discover our new life, the one that will be even better than the one before the affair.
Are you wondering how you are going to accomplish this? When you are in the middle of surviving infidelity in Christian marriages, you may not be able to see very far into the future and everything might look very bleak, but what helped me through this devastating time is daily devotions. With them I learned how to be angry the right way, I learned what was behind my anger and deal with those issues and I learned how to "let go" and finally forgive.
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