Coping with infidelity is probably the most serious issue a couple will have to deal with but can be even more challenging when Christian infidelity is involved. In addition to trying to cope with the pain and anger as a result of the affair, the couple has to wrestle with their relationship with God because sexual sins violate a covenant made before God.
Generally, adultery begins with the eyes and in the heart before it becomes an actual physical act. We know that according to God's word adultery is wrong as mentioned in the Ten Commandments "You should not commit adultery" and in the book of Proverbs it also says that "Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul" (Proverbs 6:32).
What Should You Do If You Discover Infidelity In Your Christian Marriage?
Well, the first thing I would suggest is that you ask God to give you strength, discernment and direction as you begin to deal with the affair. Through prayer you will find peace and comfort knowing that God is going to help you get through this situation, regardless of what ultimately happens between you and your spouse.
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