Sunday, May 29, 2011

You Can't Have Her!

Guest contributor, Lisa McKay of The Preacher's Wife

I have a confession to make: I am a Lord of the Rings nerd. I counted today and in the land of Girlfriendom - after I considered every woman I know - I have exactly zero friends who share my affinity for all things Middle Earth. My love for this magical land leads me to hope, but never dare pray, that Heaven will be something like the Elven city of Rivendell. My perfect eternity consists of worshiping throughout the ages on regal white horseback like the elf princess, Arwen. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have told you that. But now you are convinced of the nerd part, yes?

Even if you do not share my love for this mythical place, you simply must force yourself to watch these films and ask God to reveal all of the spiritual imagery. One such scene has captured my heart this week as I’ve been preparing a series of lessons for a women’s retreat.

In the trilogy, there is a niece to the King of Rohan named Eowyn. She is described as fearless, high-hearted (love that word), and skilled with a sword but is forbidden to participate in warfare because she is a woman. A great battle is looming and, determined to defend mankind, she disguises herself in armour and rides into the fight.

In the climax of the battle, Eowyn’s uncle, Good King Theoden, is struck down by the Evil Witch King and is about to be devoured by the flying beast he rides.

Just in time, Eowyn takes her stand between Good and Evil and proclaims, “You can not have him!”

Evil boastfully replies, “No man can kill me.”

As she reveals her womanly identity Eowyn surprises Evil by exclaiming, “I am no man!” She strikes the Witch King and destroys him… something no man in the entire army could have done. If she had stayed locked away in the city, no doubt the outcome would have been much different. I get the Girl-Power Goosebumps every time I think about it! (Be rest assured I am no feminist, but that is for another post.)

Listen to Jesus say:

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish;
no one can snatch them out of my hand.
My Father, who has given them to me,
is greater than all; no on can snatch them out
of My Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.
~ John 10:28-30

Hear Christ Jesus say to Satan today, “You can not have her!”

Oh that we would wrap our minds around that thought! That we could let the truth sink marrow deep that we are sealed and protected by Christ’s own blood and nothing, no person, no situation can take those who believe on His Name from His hand. He stands between you and the evil one.

“Over my dead body,” Jesus says.

But wait. Satan tried that too – only the grave could not hold Him who holds the keys to death and destruction.

In our relationships, we are called to stand in that place of protection for our wounded sisters. Even now, God is growing in me a supernatural love for both women I know and those I’ve never met.

I desire more than anything to stand, with the Lord at my side, between you and Satan and proclaim, “You can’t have her! I know what she has been through. I’ve done this one before. Get up sweetheart, we are going home.”

Satan may laugh. However, just like Eowyn, you or I may be the only one suited to turn that smurk into a howl of defeat when he realizes we were just the ones pre-designed to win this battle. God knows what it will take to disarm Satan and when our lifesong will be most fitting to minister in a specific circumstance.

All He asks of us is our ‘yes.’ One thing is certain, if we stay safe behind the walls we may remain unscathed, but the warfare will continue and many will be left stranded on the battlefield.

What does standing for woman-kind look like practically?
  • You have a co-worker who is going through a rocky time in marriage. You've been there and the Lord restored your relationship. Will you be willing to involve yourself enough to share the source of your healing?

  • A young mother at church has suffered a miscarriage. You remember the pain of your own quite well. Will you send her a note to tell of your own experience so she'll know her grief is understood and justified?

  • Your daughter is not born again. She has continuously let you know the subject is off limits. Will you rise up against Satan and proclaim, "You can not have her!" Will you continue exploring creative ways of sharing the Gospel at all costs?
Praise God, we know the One who wins the war, but there remain many battles to be fought between now and then. Will you join me in holy indignation against the enemy on behalf of the sisterhood? This army comes in the name of the Living God and our Father is greater than all.

Satan - Beware!

Lisa McKay, The Preachers Wife

You can learn more about Lisa and her book, You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes: And Other Great Advice from an Unlikely Preacher's Wife at her blog, "The Preacher's Wife":

You are loved by an almighty God,


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