Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Her Noble Character

Introducing guest contributor, Olivia from Her Noble Character

An Excellent Wife
The other day I spent some time in Proverbs 31:10-31, a very popular passage about “an excellent wife.” Sometimes, I admit, I treat the familiarity of those verses as a license to read through them quickly and not very productively. Rather than actually focusing on them as inspired words of God to be carefully studied and applied, I sometimes move on from them simply with positive feelings about becoming a homemaker someday, or even about preparing now. But thankfully God cares quite a bit about maturing me and makes sure to direct my eyes and heart, as I read the Bible, to specific things I should pay attention to.

I read about the rare value and specific tasks of this woman in Proverbs 31, and how the home was the center of her activity and influence. It wasn’t that she never left, but that she was intentional as she went out, apparently always seeking the improvement of her family. I saw that her husband was a well-respected man and, based on the context of this passage, I think it’s likely she had something to do with that. She had very honorable character herself - marked by peace, kindness, wisdom, and diligence. Because of all this, she was appreciated by her husband, her children, and everyone around her.

The Reason
This time as I read these verses, I was drawn to the reason behind her ways. It looks like this woman is, in part, summed up with a statement about her motivation for this lifestyle - she fears the Lord.

It’s not that she can sometimes be found doing her job as a homemaker and other times be found worshiping the Lord. Living our God’s design for a wife is an act of worship to Him! And this isn’t the only place we might make that conclusion. Titus 2:4-5 and 1 Timothy 5:14 both tie the home-oriented activity of a wife with the honor of God’s Word and her faithfulness to Him. As we grow in our reverence for the Lord, we will become more purposeful about living by His design, even in the “little things” like working hard at preparing food. I also think it’s neat how Proverbs 31:13 says that this woman “works with her hands in delight.” She’s glad about what she does. And that’s the same word used in Psalm 1, in speaking of one whose “delight is in the law of the Lord.” If this woman fears God, she’ll be serious about following His instructions - and she’ll take pleasure in doing it. What a wonderful thing that our God acts toward us with love when He directs us by His Word!

Preparing for Marriage
I am reminded that all I’m doing to get ready for marriage to Jonathan is not a separate thing from preparing for marriage to Jesus Christ. If I fear the Lord, I will obey Him. Once I become a wife, then faithfulness to God - practically speaking - includes prioritizing my husband and and our home, among other things. And that requires some preparation. I need my heart prepared. I need my home prepared. I need wedding details prepared. The problem comes if I stop acknowledging this and lose sight of the fact that I want to be married, and have a wedding, for the glory of God. And that’s something I’ll always have to remember later as well. I’m sure marriage will be very fun, but there are even greater purposes in view than having fun. And yet it will be a delight to enjoy each one of God’s intentions for my marriage as He uses them to prepare me for full maturity in time for the ultimate wedding in Heaven. I encourage you to join me in directing your fear of the Lord to practical obedience in each of your roles as a Christian woman!

Olivia is an aspiring wife, mommy, & homemaker who just completed a Women's Ministries degree. Join her as she shares what she's learning about being a woman for the glory of God.

Visit her blog at:

Her Noble Character


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