Dear Darlene,
Thank you for such an inspirational blog! I read some beautiful things that I really needed to read because of all the loneliness and sadness I have been experiencing. It's so easy to get caught up in the emotions and lose focus on the "big picture," which is God drawing us close to Himself. It is so uplifting to see the good work He is accomplishing through people like you. Best wishes in all your endeavors through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
God Bless you!
Dear Ellen,
Thank you for your encouragement. I appreciate it.
Some days I wonder how my words can reach anyone with 133 million blogs out there. How is it even possible that someone can find me and read my blog? And why would they want to, when there are so many better blogs out there? It's like finding one small fish in a sea of many.
But then I get a letter like yours and I sense that I am writing for a purpose. I see that God can use one little fish to minister to the hurt of another.
Yes, God is drawing us closer to Him, and he also cares enough about our loneliness to lead us to water when we need it most.
I'm sure that there are many other women who are experiencing that feeling of loneliness and sadness too. When we do, it's nice to know we're not alone.
Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. ~ Psalm 30:5b, (NIV)
You are loved by an almighty God,
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