Monday, May 21, 2012

Love Worth Fighting For - And a Titus 2sday Link Up!

This is one of my favorite mini-sermons by Kirk Cameron. Because it's a recap of his "Love Worth Fighting For" event, the video is only 7 minutes long, but it's definitely got some encouraging words for marriages today! I like that he addresses the problem of a sinful heart as being the root of marital problems.

Here are a few of the quotes I pulled from it:

I know that the God who designed the universe also designed marriage.

God speaks with authority on every topic including marriage, and His advice trumps Oprahs every time!

We can struggle with trying to fix our marriage problems, but if we don't first address the problem with the human heart, all the advice is worthless. The Bible says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked," and it's only God who can transform that sinful heart.

People run to Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura and Dr. Ruth about their marriage problems, but the problem isn't as much a problem of communication, or emotions or physicality, as much as it's a problem of the soul. And there's only one qualified Soul Doctor in the universe. His name is Jesus Christ, and He's the first doctor that we should go to with our marriage problems because it's all rooted in the problem of a selfish sinful heart.

Once we get a new heart with new desires through conversion, we can start applying the principles of God's Word.

In marriage we're either moving increasingly toward selfishness and demanding to have things our way which leads to separateness in our relationship or we're surrendering ourselves to the Lord, not demanding our way. But saying, "Lord may your will be done," which leads to togetherness with our spouse.

Instead of asking God to change our spouse so that we can have our marriage our way, we say, "God I'm asking you to give my spouse a new me--change me. And please use me as a vessel of healing in my relationship."

We need to attack sin with great determination and cut it off like a vipers head. And the primary way we do that is by asking God to transform the desires of our heart. And we do that at the cross.

[At the cross of repentance] We develop a love for God and our spouse that is so great that it empowers us to leave our secret sins behind and pursue this God that first loved us.


Today and every Tuesday, I want to invite bloggers to link-up any blog posts that will encourage women to joyfully live out their roles as wives and keepers of their homes I'm looking for posts on marriage, parenting, housekeeping, recipes, etc.

All you have to do is enter the direct link from your post into the linky tool below!

I'd also like to ask you to link back here with the Titus 2sday code (below) so that other bloggers can join in too!

You are loved by an almighty God,


If you'd like to leave a comment, join in the conversation on facebook: Click here

Author of The Good Wife's Guide, available as an eBook or paperback.


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