Sunday, January 16, 2011

Local Paper Defends Time-Warp Wife

I was woken by a phone call this morning from one of my sisters who told me that "The Winnipeg Free Press" had printed yet another article on the topic of Time-Warp Wife (this is three in one week now). In this article the author, Tom Oleson defends Biblical Womanhood by comparing the mindset of modern bloggers and their need to look good online, with that of a woman wanting to look good for her husband.

He writes, "Maybe a world in which Schacht seems out of place but our hi-tech Modern Ms. fits right in needs to check its priorities, to try a little reality check."

It was a refreshing article, especially coming from one of our city's most respected journalists!

Tom Oleson writes:

"Unusually, given the tenor of our times, a woman this week was singing the praises of the "old-fashioned" woman and wife. That's not a very popular position to take these days -- in fact, it tends to elicit snickers and sneers whenever it is raised publicly. But as Winnipeg author and blogger Darlene Schacht told Free Press writer Carolyn Vesely, "I cherish the days... when women were women and men were just men."

And as Vesely points out and Schacht makes clear, those aren't the days of the 1950s and Father Knows Best. She goes back to biblical days when women were advised by the New Testament to "submit to your husbands" and they did--well, some of them must have anyway..."

To read the rest of this awesome article, you can visit the paper online:
Winnipeg Free Press

After all is said and done this week--Dad being home from the hospital, and the Free Press publishing this awesome article I'm reminded of this:

And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who
are the called according to his purpose.
~ Romans 8:28, KJV

You are loved by an almighty God,


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