Monday, August 23, 2010

Vintage Antiques

Photos like this remind me of a time when bonnets hung on hooks by unlocked doors, oatmeal simmered upon wood-burning stoves, and young girls hand-stitched quilts by the light of the fire. Papa worked to till the ground while Mama kept children clean, safe, and well fed back home. Days like those are the ones that I long for.

I love patch quilts, ornate furniture, and crisp white aprons draped over long cotton skirts. I love wooden tables, press back chairs, and horse drawn carriages. Wooden church pews, cloth bound books, and silver tea sets. But above all that, I long for the return of vintage values.

When a wife honored her husband as the head of their house.
When children sought not to speak back to their parents.
When men cherished their wives as Christ does the church.
When the only sound before bed was the whisper of prayer.

Worth far more than any merchant could ask, are those rare vintage antiques. Those are the ones that I seek.

Photo credit: Michael Schacht


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