Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Splitting Up The Assets

I found that going through his cheating on me wasn't enough, I then had to deal with the fact that we were splitting up. The first time around when I found out, I ran. I was shocked, devistated to say the least and I packed up my belongings while he was still at work. But once we got back together and his cheating happened over and over again, I knew he would not move out. It was horrible because I moved out again. I felt like I had been run out of my home. What do you do about splitting up your belongings? In my case, I had certain personal things that he could not take away from me. What do you do about things you owned together? It's hard trying to split up a photo album, unless there's 2 of them and they can be split evenly. What about that wonderful puppy you got for Christmas? I suppose it's the one who is going to be able to take the best care of it. After we split the second time, he waited about 6 months, and then went to a lawyer and tried to get me to pay on his Lowe's card for the siding he had been putting on OUR house that HE was still in. I had to explain to the attorney that I also had home repairs on my home depot card. Sometimes when you try splitting things up, they can become tricky and want more back. More than likely, it's because someone else has stuck their nose into your business and given them ideas of how to come back at you. Splitting things up can be hard, but being able to talk calmly about it really helps alot.


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