Friday, March 7, 2008

Infidelity, It's Nothing New To Our Day...

Infidelity has been around for a very long time. It kind of makes you wonder why a hard learned lesson keeps happening over and over again, almost like no-one has even been hurt or ever learned from their mistakes. When my ex cheated on me, I felt like I was the only one in the world who had been touched by such a horrific act. I didn't think about anyone else going through it, except for what I was going through and how it was affecting me and my children. I think that sometimes we get hurt so badly that our world just stops spinning and nothing else seems to matter. Truth be told, infidelity is nothing's been around as long as forever. What makes someone want to hurt another person so bad and still think it's ok? Have we not learned from our mistakes? I will remember when going into another relationship, that we are all just human, and underneath all the love, there will be mistakes, but honestly, if it ever happens again, I will just have to decide to live my life alone. I hope that I never get to that point.


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