Thursday, July 26, 2007

What a wierd phone call......

Things went on day by day, he staying busy with his business and I kept on doing what I needed to, working, cooking and such. One day I needed to go and visit my grown daughter and it was about a 6 hour drive. I didn't want to go alone which I did most the time and asked him to take a break and go with me. Much to my suprise, he said yes. We left, making the trip up and that went well. When we got there, we were all caught up in the business of visiting. I went to the extra room to get something and I just so happened to try and use my phone but couldn't as the phone was not getting any I used his. I also saw that he had a message and he knew I had his phone and I normally checked business calls anyways because I was the one who wrote down all the messages. He didn't like writing down phone numbers and stuff so I naturally did this. Much to my dismay I heard a message that was very disturbing. There was a lady on the message that said "I need to borrow money to pay the water bill". She also want on to say how much it was and for him to call her back. No name. No number. I let him listen to it, and he told me that he had no idea who it was. I was miffed...upset and couldn't say anything because I didn't have a clue as to where it came from or from who. He offered me nothing.


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